
Mnenje študentov radiološke tehnologije o mentorjih na kliničnih vajah in praksi : diplomsko delo
ID Plazl, Tina (Author), ID Podbregar, Lidija (Author), ID Starc, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Mentorstvo predstavlja načrtano pot, proces vodenja, svetovanja in odnos med mentorjem in posameznikom/študentom v katerem zelo veliko vlogo igrajo značajske lastnosti mentorja. V mentorskem odnosu lahko uporabljamo različne stile vodenja, poznamo: gospodovalni, družinski ali prijateljski, resonančni in tovarniški stil vodenja. Tako mentor kot tudi študent, za pridobitev dobrega končnega rezultata potrebuje motivacijo oziroma stvari ali dejavnike za motiviranje, o katerih govorijo različne motivacijske teorije. Namen: Ugotoviti mnenje študentov radiološke tehnologije drugega in tretjega letnika o mentorjih in dejavnikih, ki jih motivirajo na kliničnih vajah in praksi ter kaj le ta pomeni za njihov poklic. Metode dela: Kot merski inštrument kvantitativne metode smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Anketo je izpolnilo 37 študentov drugega in tretjega letnika radiološke tehnologije na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani, ki so opravljali klinične vaje in prakso na oddelku za mamografijo, stomatologijo, CT, MR, nuklearno medicino in radioterapijo. Rezultati: Po obdelavi podatkov smo ugotovili, da študentje mentorje ocenjujejo kot osebe s pozitivnimi lastnostmi, pri katerih prevladuje tovarniški in gospodovalni stil mentorstva. Študente za opravljanje dela na kliničnih vajah in praksi najbolj motivira vzdušje na delovnem mestu, poleg tega menijo, da so jih klinične vaje in praksa navdušile za nadaljnje poklicno delo, skrajšanje pripravništva pa zanje ne prinaša pozitivnih sprememb. Razprava in sklep: Mentorje opisujejo s pridevniki prijatelj, vodnik in svetovalec, rezultati naše raziskave to potrjujejo, saj imajo študentje na splošno pozitivno mnenje o mentorjih in mentorstvu na kliničnih vajah in praksi, pri delu jih motivirajo pozitivni dejavniki in so v veliki večini z izbiro poklica zadovoljni. Skrajšanje pripravništva pa zanje ne predstavlja nič pozitivnega.

Keywords:mentor, motivacija, pripravništvo, študentje, klinične vaje in praksa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110400 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5685611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Opinion of radiology technology students about mentors on clinical exercises and practice : diploma work
Introduction: Mentoring represents a planned path, a leadership process, counseling and a relationship between a mentor and an individual/student in which the tutor's characteristic features play a very important role. In mentoring, we can use different leadership styles, we know: commanding, family or friendship, resonance and factory style of leadership. Both the mentor and the student, in order to obtain a good final result, need motivation or causes and/or motivational factors that are discussed by different motivational theories. Purpose: To determine the opinion of students of radiology technology of the second and third year about mentors and the factors that motivate them in clinical exercises and practice, and what this means for their profession. Methods of work: A survey questionnaire was used as a measurement instrument of the quantitative method. The survey was carried out by 37 students of the second and third year of radiology technology at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, who performed clinical exercises and practice at the Department of Mammography, Dentistry, CT, MR, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy. Results: After data processing, we found that mentors are assessed as persons with positive attributes, with the dominance of the factory and the corporate style of mentoring. The students are motivated by the atmosphere at the workplace, and they feel that they have been enthusiastically trained in clinical practice and practice for further professional work, while shortening the trainership does not bring about positive changes for them. Discussion and conclusion: The mentors are described with the following adjectives: friend, guide and counselor, the results of our research confirm this, as students generally have a positive opinion about mentors and mentoring in clinical exercises and practice, motivated by positive factors at work and are largely happy with the chosen profession. However, they do not have a positive opinion about the shortage of traineeship.

Keywords:mentor, motivation, traineeship, students, clinical exercises and practice

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