
Vključevanje trajnostnih elementov v oblikovanju moške kolekcije Subliminal Scenarios
ID Pregelj, Deni (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil oblikovati in predstaviti sodobno moško kolekcijo, ki temelji na ponovni uporabi oblačil, kar predstavlja močan trajnostni koncept. Na podlagi kolekcije, ki odraža sodobno vprašanje oblačenja, raziskujem spreminjanje estetike klasične moške obleke. Osrednje tematike teoretičnega dela naloge so trajnostno oblikovanje, identiteta oblačenja in razvoj moške obleke skozi zgodovino. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen celoten proces oblikovanja moške kolekcije. Izhodišče predstavljene kolekcije se nanaša na osebne izkušnje in analiziranje podzavesti. Izdeloval sem kolaže, v katerih sem skušal zajeti različna čustvena stanja tistega obdobja. Posledično sem prišel do koncepta, v katerem sem čustvena stanja iz skicirke prenašal na stara oblačila. V oblikovanje sem začel vključevati druge trajnostne elemente. Prenos vzdušja s skicirke na oblačila, tehnike rezanja, šivanja in sestavljanja ter trajnostni elementi so mi pomagali ustvariti identiteto kolekcije. Vprašanja, ki sem si jih ob delu zastavljal, so bila: kaj klasičnost sporoča družbi? Na kakšen način lahko spremenim estetiko in izkušnjo klasičnega nošenja moške obleke? Kako lahko trajnostno oblikovanje pripomore k temu? Kako se danes spreminja tradicionalna identiteta? Kolekcija temelji tudi na ponovni uporabi odsluženih oblačil, kar je eden od temeljnih konceptov trajnostne mode. Njena likovnost povzema osebno počutje in čustva aktualnega obdobja. Kolekcija, katere načelo je inovativno, celostno in trajnostno oblikovanje, predstavlja sodoben oblikovalski pogled na modo z novimi usmeritvami.

Keywords:moška moda, moška obleka, trajnostno oblikovanje, moška kolekcija, identiteta oblačenja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110372 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2019
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Title:Integrating sustainable elements into the design of menswear collection Subliminal Scenarios
The aim of this master’s thesis is to design and showcase a menswear collection, which is based on the re-use of clothes, an essential concept in sustainability. The collection, which reflects the contemporary issue of clothing, will be used as a basis for my research of the fluctuations in the aesthetics of the classic men’s suit. The core topics of the theoretical part of this thesis will consist of sustainable design, clothing identity and the development of male clothing through history. The experimental part, meanwhile, will be dedicated to the design process of my menswear collection. The showcased collection was inspired by personal experience and an analysis of the subconscious mind. I created collages, which represented my various emotional states during my research. This gave me the idea to transfer my emotional states from sketchbook to second-hand clothes. I then began integrating other sustainable elements into my design. By projecting my inner emotional atmosphere from sketchbook to clothing, using various cutting, sewing and construction techniques, as well as integrating sustainable elements, I was able to establish the identity of my collection. The questions I posed during this process were as follows: what message does classic design convey to society? How can I change the aesthetic and experience of wearing classic male clothing? How can sustainable design contribute to this change? How is traditional identity changing today? The primary aim was to create a contemporary male collection, where re-using clothes from older generations would denote a concept of sustainability. The collection centres on the re-use of scrapped materials from the industry, which is essential in sustainable fashion. Its visual aspect summarises my emotions and state of being during the period of creation. The collection takes innovative, comprehensive, and sustainable design as its guiding principle and showcases a contemporary look on fashion with new directions.

Keywords:men's fashion, menswear, sustainable design, menswear collection, clothing identity

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