
Varstvo označb geografskega porekla v Evropski uniji: na čigavi strani je pravo v primeru zaščite terana?
ID Zonta, Tilen (Author), ID Podobnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Označbe geografskega porekla so pravice industrijske lastnine, ki sporočajo, od kod določeno blago izvira. Poreklo je pogosto povezano s kvaliteto ali drugimi lastnostmi produktov, zaradi česar so potrošniki za produkte, ki so označeni z označbami geografskega porekla pripravljeni plačati več denarja. Ker gre za izključno pravico, ki na trgu ustvarja monopol, v praksi pogosto prihaja do sporov. Tak spor je tudi spor glede zaščite terana, v katerem Slovenija zagovarja stališče, da je teran izključno slovensko vino oziroma označba porekla, do katere je upravičena zgolj Slovenija. Hrvaška na drugi strani zatrjuje, da gre za sorto vinske trte, ki se tradicionalno goji na Hrvaškem, v Sloveniji in Italiji, zato bi pridelovalci iz Hrvaške Istre morali biti upravičeni do izjeme, ki bi jim omogočala, da svoja vina označujejo z imenom te sorte. Spor glede zaščite terana je skušala rešiti Evropska komisija, ki je z delegirano uredbo Hrvaški dovolila izjemo, čemur Slovenija nasprotuje, zato je na Splošno sodišče Evropske unije vložila ničnostno tožbo za razveljavitev sporne uredbe. Evropska komisija je najverjetneje v postopku sprejemanja izpodbijane uredbe prekršila številne postopkovne določbe. Ali je z vidika materialnega prava Slovenija do izključne pravice sploh upravičena, pa je drugo vprašanje. Magistrska naloga skuša na to vprašanje odgovoriti, tako da najprej predstavi pravni okvir, v katerega je spor umeščen. Analizi splošnih značilnosti označb geografskega porekla in pravnih virov mednarodnega, evropskega in nacionalnega prava, ki regulirajo označevanje vin, sledi predstavitev primera ter soočenje stališč slovenske in hrvaške strani. Na koncu se avtor postavi v vlogo sodnika in skuša poiskati pravilno, pa tudi pravično rešitev spora.

Keywords:pravo intelektualne lastnine, pravo industrijske lastnine, pravo Evropske unije, označbe geografskega porekla, geografske označbe, označbe porekla, ureditev na področju vin, zaščita terana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110364 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16969041 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Protection of geographical indications of origin in the European Union: on whose side is the law in the case of protecting teran?
Geographical indications of origin are industrial property rights that indicate where certain goods come from. Origin is often associated with the quality and other characteristics of the products. This is why consumers are willing to pay more for products labelled with geographical indications of origin. The fact that this is an exclusive right establishing monopoly on the market leads to different disputes. Such a dispute is also the conflict relating to the protection of teran, in which Slovenia claims that teran is a Slovenian wine or rather a designation of origin reserved exclusively to Slovenia. Croatia, on the other hand, argues that teran is a vine variety, traditionally cultivated in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. Therefore, wine producers from Croatian Istria should be entitled to an exception that would allow them to label their wines with the name of the variety. The European Commission tried to solve the dispute at hand with a delegated regulation allowing Croatia to take advantage of the exception. Slovenia, who disagrees with this decision, has brought an action before the General Court of the European Union seeking annulment of the contested regulation. The European Commission has most likely violated a number of procedural provisions in the process of adopting the regulation. Whether Slovenia is entitled to an exclusive right in terms of substantial law is another question. The master’s thesis tries to answer this question by first presenting the legal framework of the dispute. The analysis of the general characteristics of geographical indications of origin and the legal sources of international, European and national law governing the labeling of wines is followed by the presentation of the case and the confrontation of the arguments of Slovenia and Croatia. In the end, the author positions himself in the role of a judge and tries to find a correct and a just decision.

Keywords:intellectual property law, industrial property law, European Union law, geographical indications of origin, geographical indication, designation of origin, regulations of wines, protection of teran

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