
Oblikovanje embalaže za naravno kozmetiko podjetja Merkaba
ID Mavsar, Miha (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času je uporaba kozmetike nekaj povsem normalnega in ni nič čudnega, da postaja kozmetična industrija ena izmed največjih porabnikov embalaže na svetu. Ob poplavi izdelkov na trgu naravne kozmetike se podjetja poslužujejo najrazličnejših prodajnih in oblikovalskih metod, da njihov izdelek izstopa med drugimi, in tako vplivajo na nakupni proces. Samo oblikovanje embalaže se je začelo z načrtovanjem celostne grafične podobe blagovne znamke in procesov izdelave ter uporabe materialov. Najprej je bilo potrebno zasnovati celostno grafično podobo blagovne znamke Zeleno zlato. Ko je bil logotip izdelan in smo izbrali primarne barve ter tipografijo, smo začeli z oblikovanjem embalaže. Sledil je izris preprostih skic, ki smo jih nato s pomočjo skenerja prenesli v program za vektorsko izrisovanje Adobe Illustrator, kjer smo na podlagi skice izdelali vektorsko grafiko nalepk in embalaže. Celotno vektorsko oblikovano grafiko smo nato glede na želje tiskarne ustrezno opremili in pripravili. Posebnost embalaže blagovne znamke Zeleno zlato so delno lakirani deli grafike v peščeno rjavi barvi, ki tako še dodatno izstopajo. Kolekcijo blagovne znamke Zeleno zlato sestavljajo: piling za telo, piling za obraz, olje za telo, serum, naravni kremi Vrtnica in Verbena, šampon za lase in gel za tuširanje v dveh velikostih. Končna vizualna podoba grafike je predstavljena kot nekaj naravnega, elegantnega in rustikalnega. Poleg etiket in embalaže smo izdelali še katalog vseh izdelkov, ki je namenjen predstavitvi blagovne znamke.

Keywords:Celostna grafična podoba, oblikovanje embalaže, blagovna znamka, naravna kozmetika.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110281 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Title:Packaging design of natural cosmetics for company Merkaba
In today’s times the use of cosmetics is something completely normal and it is not at all strange that the cosmetics industry is becoming one of the largest users of packaging material in the world. Due to the flood of products to the natural cosmetics market, companies are using all sorts of sales and design methods to ensure that their products stand out from their competition, thus influencing the purchase process. The packaging design started with planning the corporate visual identity of the brand, the processes of manufacture, and the use of materials. At firstly it was necessary to create the corporate visual identity of the brand Zeleno zlato. After having created the logo, chosen the primary colours, and the typography, we began designing the packaging. This was followed by tracing simple sketches which we then uploaded into the vector expression program Adobe Illustrator with the help of a scanner. Then we created the graphic images of the labels and packaging based on the sketches. After that we prepared and embellished the graphic designs according to the wishes of the printing company. The distinctive features of the packaging of Zeleno zlato are the partly varnished graphic elements in a sand brown colour through which the products stand out even more. The Zeleno zlato collection is composed of body peeling, face peeling, body oil, serum, the natural creams Vrtnica and Verbena, hair shampoo, and shower gel in two different sizes. The final visual graphic design is presented as something natural, elegant, and rustic. In addition to the packaging and labels, we also designed a full product catalogue meant for promoting the brand.

Keywords:Corporate visual identity, package design, brand, natural cosmetics.

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