
Doživljanje prvega ginekološkega pregleda pri mladostnicah in vloga medicinske sestre : diplomsko delo
ID Ivanuša, Tjaša (Author), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Reproduktivno zdravje mladostnikov pomembno vpliva na globalno zdravje celotne populacije. Mladostniki v adolescenci doživijo veliko sprememb na telesnem in psihološkem področju. Večina mladostnic se za prvi ginekološki pregled odloči ravno v obdobju adolescence. Prvi ginekološki pregled pogosto spremljajo občutki strahu, sramu in nelagodja. Izkušnje mladostnic ob prvem ginekološkem pregledu pomembno vplivajo na nadaljnje doživljanje ginekoloških pregledov, zato je pomembno, da je pregled opravljen strokovno, brez bolečin. Potrebno je, da se vsaki posamezni mladostnici posvetimo, ji pojasnimo potek obravnave in poskrbimo za njeno sproščenost. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vlogo medicinske sestre ob prvem ginekološkem pregledu in doživljanje mladostnic le-tega. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, koliko mladostnic je že obiskalo ginekološko ambulanto, kakšni so bili razlogi za obisk, koliko se jih je odločilo za ginekološki pregled. Želimo ugotoviti tudi kakšno je počutje pred prvim ginekološkim pregledom, kje so mladostnice pridobile informacije, kakšno je znanje mladostnic o pregledu, komu dajejo mladostnice prednost – ginekologu ali ginekologinji, izvedeti želimo, kakšna je precepljenost in informiranost mladostnic o cepljenju proti okužbi s humanim papiloma virusom ter presejalnem programu ZORA. Metode dela: Po pregledu strokovne in znanstvene literature smo sestavili anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval 13 vprašanj. Anketirali smo dijakinje 4. letnikov Gimnazije Ormož in Gimnazije Franca Miklošiča Ljutomer. Vzorec je bil namenski in neslučajnostni ter je obsegal 109 dijakinj (n=109). Rezultate smo obdelali s pomočjo programa Microsoft Office Excel. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da je 49,54 % anketiranih že obiskalo ginekološko ambulanto, 46,30 % izmed teh se je tudi odločilo za prvi ginekološki pregled. Najpogosteje sta pri dekletih pred pregledom prisotna strah in sram. Večina deklet se strinja, da imajo premalo informacij o pregledu; pomanjkljivo je tudi njihovo znanje o programu ZORA. Razprava in sklep: Raziskava je pokazala, da odnos deklet do prvega ginekološkega pregleda spremljajo negativni občutki, kot so strah, sram in nelagodje. Dekleta se zavedajo nujnosti pregleda za zdravje, vendar se ga kljub temu ne veselijo. Najpogostejši vzrok za obisk ginekološke ambulante je predpisovanje oralne hormonske kontracepcije. Večina deklet ima pozitiven odnos do cepljenja proti okužbi s humanim papiloma virusom, vendar je njihovo znanje o presejalnem programu pomanjkljivo. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave sklepamo, da je vključevanje medicinskih sester v izobraževanje in svetovanje o prvem ginekološkem pregledu premajhno; potrebnih bi bilo še več raziskav o vlogi medicinskih sester na doživljanje prvega ginekološkega pregleda pri mladostnicah.

Keywords:prvi ginekološki pregled, reproduktivno zdravje, adolescenca, zdravstvena nega, spolnost, mladostnik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110254 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5682027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The first gynecological examination of adolescents and the role of a nurse : diploma work
Introduction: Reproductive health of adolescents has an important effect on global health of the whole population. Adolescents go through significant physical and psychological changes and the majority of young women decide for the first gynecologic visit exactly in their adolescence. The first gynecologic visit is often accompanied by fear, shame, and discomfort. Young women's experience of their first gynecologic examination influence all further experience of gynecologic examination. Therefore, it is important that the examination is done professionally, painless and with the utmost care by explaining the procedure and helping women to relax. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to present the role of a nurse during the first gynecologic examination and young women experiencing it and to find out how many adolescents have already visited the gynecological outpatient clinic, what were the reasons for the visit and how many of them decided for gynecological examination. We also want to find out what is the feeling before the first gynecological examination where the adolescents obtained information, what is the adolescent's knowledge about the examination, and who the adolescents prefer, male or female gynecologists. We want to find out what the range of vaccination and awareness of the adolescents about vaccination against human papillomavirus and ZORA screening program is. Methods: After the professional and scientific literature review, we prepared a survey with 13 questions. We conducted a survey among female students of the 4th year at two high schools: Gimnazija Ormož and Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča Ljutomer. The sample was purpose-made (purposive) and non-random and included 109 female students (n=109). The results were processed in Microsoft Office Excel. Results: The survey showed that 49,54 % of survey respondents have already visited a gynecologist and 46,30 % of those also decided to have their first gynecological examination. The most common feelings before the examination are fear and shame. The majority of these young women agree they do not have enough information about the examination and their knowledge about ZORA screening program is also insufficient. Discussion and conclusion: The research showed that young women's attitude towards the first gynecologic visit is accompanied by negative feelings, such as fear, shame, and discomfort. Young women are aware of the necessity of the visit regarding their health. However, they are not looking forward to it. The most common reason for the gynecologic visit is oral contraceptive prescription. The majority of young women feel positive about human papillomavirus infection vaccination. However, their knowledge about the importance of ZORA screening program is insufficient. Based on the survey results, we conclude that the inclusion of nurses into education and advising about the first gynecologic visit is insufficient. We believe that further research about nurse's role in experiencing the first gynecologic visit is necessary.

Keywords:first pelvic examination, reproductive health, adolescent, nursing care, sex, adolescent

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