
Mehanske lastnosti 3D tiskanih biopolimernih materialov
ID Vidmar, Nina (Avtor), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 62038EC77158E42EBAEAEDC126FBDC8C

V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotovitvi, kako pogoji 3D (tridimenzionalnega) tiska vplivajo na lastnosti tiskanega objekta. V začetku je opisan 3D tisk in nekaj o njegovi zgodovini ter nastanku. Zapisali smo komponente 3D tiskalnika ter razložili potek 3D tiska ter naknadne obdelave natisnjenega izdelka. Podali smo prednosti ter slabosti tehnologije ekstrudiranja materiala, FDM (ciljno nalaganje materiala). Osredotočili smo se na filament PLA (polimlečna kislina), napisali nekaj njegovih lastnosti ter prednosti njegove uporabe v 3D tisku. Za našo raziskavo je bila pomembna smer tiska ter debelina sloja, zato smo vključili tudi to, ter dodali še, kako na natisnjene izdelke vpliva gostota zapolnitve. Preučili smo nekaj dosedanjih raziskav, nato opisali mehanske lastnosti polimernih materialov. Najpomembnejše za naše raziskave je bil preizkus natezne trdnosti, zato smo največ besed namenili temu, poleg tega smo preverili, kaj pomenijo pojmi, s katerimi smo se srečali pri meritvah. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali postopek 3D tiska ter pogoje, ki smo jih upoštevali pri tisku. Zapisali smo, kako je potekal tisk preizkušancev. Med nateznimi lastnostmi smo določili pretržno natezno silo, pretržno napetost, raztezek in energijo pri pretrgu in modul elastičnosti. Rezultate meritev smo podali v obliki preglednic in grafov, ki prikazujejo potek deformiranja preizkušanca pod vplivom naraščajoče natezne sile. Analizirali smo, kako smer tiska, debelina sloja ter temperatura tiska vplivajo na lastnosti preizkušancev. Ugotovili smo, da imajo tako temperatura kot smer tiska in debelina sloja določen vpliv na natezne lastnosti tiskanih objektov. Najvišjo natezno trdnost smo dosegli pri višji temperaturi tiska, v smeri 60º in pri srednji debelini sloja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:3D tisk, PLA, FDM, mehanske lastnosti, natezna trdnost
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110232 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.09.2019
Število ogledov:2297
Število prenosov:236
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Mechanical properties of 3D printing biopolymer materials
The aim of the thesis is to establish how the conditions of 3D (three-dimensional) printing affect the properties of a printed object. The thesis defines 3D printing, and presents its origins and development, it includes a depiction of the components of a 3D printer, an explanation of the process of 3D printing and subsequent processing of a printed object. The author explains the advantages and disadvantages of the material extrusion technology, FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling), and focuses on PLA (Polylatic Acid) filaments, defining some of its properties and advantages of use in 3D printing. The thesis also includes definitions of two important factors for the research, printing direction and layer height, as well a depiction of how fill density affects the printed objects. Some previous researches were studied to describe the mechanical properties of polymeric materials. The main focus of the thesis is dedicated to the most important factor for its research, the tensile strength test, as well as the meaning of some connected terms. The empirical part of the thesis includes the description of the process of 3D printing and the considered conditions, as well as the record of the process of printing the trial subjects. Tensile properties, such as tensile force, breaking stress, breaking strain and energy at breaking, and elasticity modulus were defined. The results of the measurements are presented in the form of tables and graphs showing the course of deformation of the trial subjects affected by the increasing tensile strength. The author performed an analysis of the effects the direction of printing, layer height and printing temperature have on the properties of trial subjects. The findings show that printing temperature, direction of printing and layer height all have a certain impact on the tensile properties of trial subjects. The highest tensile strength has been reached at a higher printing temperature in the direction of 60° at a medium layer height.

Ključne besede:3D printing, PLA, FDM, mechanical properties, tensile strength

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