It is my goal to show the main differences between traditional sevdalinka (they are typical in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro) and contemporary author songs. I focus on the theme of music genre and I compare traditional and contempo-rary author song by sevdalinka performer Božo Vrećo. I assume the differences in today’s sevdalinka depend on the time and place of its origin. They follow the changes in society and bring new directions. Thus they attract new listeners. Musicians from Bosnia and Her-cegovina perform on big stages around the world, overcome the stereotypes and bring sev-dah (a term frequently used for sevdalinka) closer to public around the globe. Above all I am interested which themes of sevdalinka put us in a mood of melancholy so easily - a mood that brings hope and a pleasant feeling of beeing bound together with other people. One of key factors that sevdah enchantes us and draws us to its core is its melody. Sevdalinka re-flects our inner state, brings out what is sleeping in the depths of our soul and thus intensifi-es its yearning.