
Sodelovanje učencev in predšolskih otrok pri izvajanju eksperimentov pri začetnem naravoslovju
ID Cerar, Tanja (Avtor), ID Krnel, Dušan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5914/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Otroci se v predšolskem obdobju največ naučijo z odkrivanjem in raziskovanjem preko igre, kjer ju vodita notranja motivacija in radovednost. Kadar pa poteka to učenje v interakciji z vrstniki in drugimi odraslimi, pa se pri tem učijo še družbenih norm, komunikacijske spretnosti in veščine ter sodelovanje. Slednje se mi zdi ključnega pomena, kadar se povezujeta vrtec in šola, ki sta otrokovo bližnje okolje v katerem se razvija in uči, hkrati pa se s sodelovanjem otroku olajša prehod v novo obdobje in izkušnjo, ki jo doživi z vstopom v šolo. V diplomski nalogi me je zanimalo, kakšno je sodelovanje predšolskih in osnovnošolskih otrok. Odločila sem se, da slednje opazujem pri izvajanju eksperimentov pri začetnem naravoslovju, ker otroci že v prvih mesecih svojega življenja kažejo izredno zanimanje za naravo, ljudi in predmete okoli sebe. Predstavila sem splošno sodelovanje vrtca in šole in kako je le-to pomembno za kasnejši prehod predšolskih otrok v vrtec. V nadaljevanju sem se podrobneje osredotočila na sodelovanje obeh zavodov, ki »živita« pod eno streho, OŠ Jurija Vege in Vzgojno varstvena enote Vojke Napokoj, kjer sem tudi zaposlena. Izpostavila sem pomembnost učenja v socialnem okolju in o sodelovalnem učenju, kjer sem podrobneje predstavila metodo “Peer teaching”, ki je med bolj uspešnimi metodami. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila potek projekta, ki je potekal v mesecu aprilu in maju, s predšolskimi otroki starimi 4-6, in učenci, starimi 14 let. Preko eksperimentov, ki so jih izbrali učenci, sem raziskovala, kakšno je sodelovanje otrok in motiviranost za delo pri eksperimentih in kakšen odnos imajo otroci do učencev in obratno. Rezultati so pokazali, da so otroci še bolj motivirani za izvajanje eksperimentov, ker so jih izvajali učenci. To so potrdili tudi v anketnem vprašalniku. V intervjuju so vsi učenci odgovorili, da se jim zdi smiselno, da se šola in vrtec povezujeta tudi na takšen način oziroma so navdušeni nad tako obliko sodelovanja. Učenci se strinjajo, da se otrokom na takšen način olajša prehod iz vrtca v šolo, kjer se otrokom prikaže šolo na prijeten in zabaven način, obenem pa se otroci veliko naučijo od učencev, katere imajo za vzor.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vrtec
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110208 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12578121 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.09.2019
Število ogledov:687
Število prenosov:171
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Participation of elementary students and preschool children in early science experimentation
In the pre-school period, children learn a lot from discovering and exploring through games, where they are led by internal motivation and curiosity. However, when the learning is carried out in an interaction with peers and other adults, they also learn about social norms, communication skills and skills in general as well as how to cooperate with other peers. The latter to me seems to be of crucial importance when connecting the kindergarten and the school which is a child's immediate environment in which the child develops and learns, and at the same time, with the child's participation, it facilitates the transition to a new era and the experience with entering the school. In my thesis, I was interested in what the cooperation of preschool and elementary school children is like, so I decided to observe the latter with conducting the experiments in the first stage of natural science, since because the children already show an extraordinary interest in nature in the first couple of months of their life. They show immense interest in people and objects around them. I have presented the general cooperation between kindergarten and the school, and how important this is for the later transition of preschool children to kindergarten. In the following, I focused a lot more intensively on the cooperation of both institutions that "live" under the same roof of the primary school Jurij Vega and the educational protection unit Vojka Napokoj, where I am also employed. I emphasized the importance of learning in a social environment and on collaborative learning, where I have presented a more in depth presentation of the “peer teaching” method, which is among the more successful methods. I have presented the course of the project in the empirical work, which took place in April and in May, with pre-school children aged 4-6 and students aged 14. Through experiments selected by students, I investigated the cooperation of children and the motivation to work on the experiments, and what kind of attitude the children have with the students and vice versa. The results have showed that the children were even more motivated to carry out experiments because they were carried out by students. This was also confirmed in the survey questionnaire. In the interview, all of the students answered that they feel that it is reasonable for the school and the kindergarten to connect in such a way or a form of cooperation. Students also agree that this in way helps the children ease with the transition from kindergarten to school, where children can see the school in a pleasant and in an entertaining way, while at the same time the children learn a lot from the students which they have as examples.

Ključne besede:kindergarten

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