
Atmosfera v filmu
ID Fugina, Nika (Author), ID Erič, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je odraz moje strasti do upodabljanja življenja, pa naj gre za upodobitev življenja v filmskih projekcijah, gledaliških predstavah, plesu ali glasbi. To upodabljanje je vedno tesno povezano z občutki in čustvi, ki nam jih te umetnosti vzbudijo. Samo kak stavek ali celo beseda lahko pričara določene občutke. Že samo kak zvok ali ton nas lahko spravi v določeno čustveno stanje. Film, ki je skupek slik, občutkov in glasbe, pa ta čustvena stanja pričara še toliko lažje. Na začetku priprav na pisanje diplomskega dela sem si zamislila opis in primerjavo petih filmov: Kurosawovega Rašomona, Fellinijeve Ceste, Tarantinovega Kill Bill, Lynchevega Modrega žameta in Tarkovskovega Zrcala. Vseh pet lahko okarakteriziramo kot legendarne filme legendarnih režiserjev. Žal je bila zadana naloga preobsežna in sem na koncu morala izbrati samo dva. Odločila sem se Rašomona in Cesto. Razlog, da sem izbrala dva črno-bela filma, je v dejstvu, da atmosfera zaradi odsotnosti barv pride bolj do izraza oziroma ima režiser na voljo manj možnosti za ustvarjanje atmosfere. Režiser se mora bistveno bolj poigravati s sivinami, kot če bi imel na voljo barve.

Keywords:interaktivno oblikovanje, vzdušje, film, razpoloženje, svetloba, barva, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Atmosphere in film
This diploma thesis is a reflection of my passion to depict life itself and it doesn’t matter, if description is happening with the help of film, theatre, dance or music. This depiction is always closely connected with feelings and senses which arise because of these arts. Only one sentence or even a word, could conjure certain feelings. Only one sound or tone could lead us into certain emotional condition. Film as a whole of pictures, feelings and music, could show us those conditions comprehensive. In preparation on my thesis work, I started to work on five films, Kurosawa’s Rashomon, Fellini’s La strada, Tarantino’s Kill Bill, Lynch’s Blue velvet and on Mirror by Tarkovsky. We may describe them as legendary films and directors. Unfortunately, this task was too extensive and at the end, I decided for only two of them, for Rashomon and La strada. The reason why I choose two black and white films lie in fact, that absence of color make atmosphere in film more noticeable. The director has to play with grayness’s much more extensive, than if colors would be available.

Keywords:interactive design, atmosphere, film, mood, light, color, BA thesis

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