
Konservatorsko-restavratorska obravnava kipa Franceta Kralja: Kokoši
ID Bartolj, Katarina (Author), ID Smole, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mladenovič, Ajda (Comentor)

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V svoji diplomski nalogi sem v konservatorsko-restavratorsko obravnavo vzela kip Franceta Kralja Kokoši. Ko sem kip pregledala, sem zaključila, da je v zadovoljivem stanju in ne potrebuje predhodnega utrjevanja. Zato sem se odločila, da bo moja prednostna naloga čiščenje umetnine. Na kipu se je tekom let nabrala velika količina nečistoč in te so spremenile njegovo barvo in videz. Da bi kip spet postal estetska stvaritev in bi ga lastniki lahko razstavili, sem se odločila izvesti omenjeni postopek. Preden sem se lotila kakršnih koli posegov na umetnini, sem postopke preverila na teoretičnem nivoju. Zanimala so me predvsem tri področja, tri velika poglavja, ki jih obravnavam v svoji diplomski nalogi. Prvo je področje kiparske tehnologije. Glede na splošne podatke sem nato naredila zaključke tudi za kip Kokoši in za tehniko, ki jo je uporabil France Kralj. Raziskala sem tudi vpliv različnih zunanjih dejavnikov na propad kamnitih umetnin, ki so jim dlje časa izpostavljene. Njihovemu vplivu je bil dlje časa prepuščen tudi kip Franceta Kralja, zato sem imela priložnost tudi v praksi videti, kako izgleda škoda, ki jo omenjeni dejavniki povzročijo. To je bila dobra podlaga za podrobnejši pregled in popis stanja kipa Kokoši, ki je sledil omenjeni teoretični raziskavi. Mojo diplomsko nalogo pa zaokrožuje poglavje o različnih metodah čiščenja kamna ter o njihovih prednostih in slabostih. Na koncu poglavja opisujem, katere od teh metod sem izbrala in izvedla na kipu Kokoši in kakšni so bili njihovi rezultati.

Keywords:konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo, kulturna dediščina, France Kralj, slovensko ekspresionistično kiparstvo, propad kamnitih umetnin, metode čiščenja, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110136 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Conservation-restavration of the Hens statue by France Kralj
For my diploma, I undertook a conservation-restoration of the stone statue named The Hens by France Kralj. First, I examined the current condition of the statue. The Hens were in a quite good condition. Next, I figured out that my mission will be mostly cleaning the statue. As the decades passed by, many different impurities stuck to the »skin« of the statue and they completely changed both the appearance and the colour of The Hens. Before I started any procedure on the actual work of art, I had carefully studied all the intended procedures. I was interested in three different fields, that are represented in three chapters, which also divide my diploma. I was especially interested in the stone carving technology. In the chapter that discusses it, I researched the physical properties of different stones, carving tools that suit them as well as different carving techniques. Based on what I have learned, I made some conclusions on how The Hens statue was made. Moreover, I researched how different environmental factors accelerate the ageing and thus the ruining of stone statues. Taking everything into account, I made an extensive inventory of the condition of the statue and noted down which climatic factors are responsible for it. In the third and larger chapter of my diploma, I researched various distinct cleaning techniques and the advantages and the disadvantages that they bring along with them. At the end of this chapter, I list the cleaning methods and the reason why I have chosen them. I conclude by depicting the way I executed the mentioned methods and by explaining the outcome.

Keywords:conservation-restoration, cultural heritage, France Kralj, Slovenian expressionist sculpture, deterioration of stone sculpture, cleaning methods, BA thesis

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