
Vloga liberalizacije mednarodne menjave za gospodarski razvoj Evropske unije in analiza nevarnosti vzpona novega vala protekcionizma : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Marina, Katja (Author), ID Redek, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Liberalizacija mednarodne menjave je že od 18. stoletja ključnega pomena za gospodarski razvoj in rast držav, saj je rast BDP-ja v številnih državah, sploh manjših, zelo odvisna od zunanjega povpraševanja. Veliko vlogo pri pospeševanju trgovine imata Svetovna trgovinska organizacija in številni bilateralni in multilateralni prostotrgovinski sporazumi, s katerimi poskušajo države odstraniti trgovinske ovire. Argumenti, ki podpirajo prosto trgovino, so specializacija držav, dvig povpraševanja in zaposlenosti, večja produktivnost, več tujih naložb itd. V času gospodarskih kriz se prosta trgovina omenja tudi kot razlog za krizo, kar lahko pripelje do simpatiziranja z ukrepi protekcionizma. Argumenti, ki jih razvija protekcionizem proti prosti trgovini, so izguba delovnih mest in strukturna brezposelnost, nezmožnost razvoja (mlade) industrije, preusmeritev povpraševanja k najcenejšim, cenovni dumping, večja konkurenca itd. Statistični podatki vseeno kažejo na pomen odprtosti gospodarstev za trgovino. Ravno ta odprtost med državami članicami EU je pripomogla k temu, da je EU danes eno od vodilnih gospodarstev na svetu. Prosta trgovina je v EU dvignila povpraševanje in s tem pospešila gospodarsko dinamiko. Najbolj pomembni zunanji trgovinski partnerici EU sta Kitajska in ZDA. S slednjo je EU od leta 2013 do začetka leta 2019 želela skleniti sporazum TTIP, vendar do sporazuma zaradi argumentov, ki so tudi protekcionistični, in zato strahu pred učinki, ni prišlo.

Keywords:liberalizacija, mednarodna trgovina, prosta trgovina, protekcionizem, Evropska unija, gospodarski razvoj, gospodarska rast, prostotrgovinski sporazumi, TTIP, ZDA
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110096 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:18815577 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The role of international trade liberalization for the economic development of the European Union and the analysis of dangers of the rise of a new wave of protectionism
The liberalization of international trade has been crucial to the economic development and growth of countries since the 18th century, as GDP growth in many, especially smaller countries, is increasingly dependent on external demand. The World Trade Organization and a number of bilateral and multilateral FTAs play an important role in facilitating trade and removing barriers to trade. The arguments that support free trade are, for example, specialization of countries, increase in demand and employment, higher productivity, more foreign investment, etc. In times of economic crises, free trade is also mentioned as one of the reasons for them, which can lead to sympathy with protectionist measures. The arguments developed by protectionism are job loss and structural unemployment, inability to develop an (infant) industry, demand shifting to the cheapest, price dumping, increased competition, etc. However, statistics show the importance of openness to trade for economies. It is this openness between EU Member States that has made the EU one of the world's leading economies today. Free trade has lifted demand in the EU, boosting economic momentum. EU's most important foreign trade partners are China and the US. With the latter, the EU wanted to conclude a Transantlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, in short TTIP, from 2013 to the beggining of 2019. The agreement did not come to light due to arguments, which were also protectionist, and, therefore, fear of the effects.

Keywords:liberalization, international trade, free trade, protectionism, European Union, economic development, economic growth, FTAs, TTIP, the US

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