
Kakovost analize določitve položaja v GNSS omrežju
ID Amon, Kristjan (Author), ID Vulić, Milivoj (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Metode RTK-GNSS spadajo med najpogosteje uporabljene metode izmere z GNSS tehnologijo in omogočajo določitev položaja v realnem času. RTK metode so tehnike satelitske navigacije, ki izboljšajo natančnost podatkov o položaju pridobljenem z GNSS, ker so pri izračunu položaja upoštevani tudi vplivi na opazovanja. Ti vplivi so modelirani s pomočjo opazovanj referenčnih postaj v okolici premičnega sprejemnika. V diplomskem delu so bili predstavljeni različni mrežni koncepti. V diplomskem delu so bile s pomočjo RTK metod izmere in analize pridobljenih podatkov preučene prednosti in slabosti različnih konceptov popravkov. Meritve so bile izvedene na dveh točkah, z višinsko razliko več kot 1000 m (dejanska višinska razlika je bila 1095 m), da je bil višinski vpliv čim bolj prisoten. Točki sta se nahajali v istem trikotniku okoliških referenčnih postaj, da bi ostali vplivi na opazovanja ostali čim bolj podobni. Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati oceno kakovosti pridobljenih položajev v omrežjih referenčnih postaj GNSS, ki bo tudi služila kot priporočilo, tako upravljalcem kot uporabnikom omrežja GNSS.

Keywords:RTK, koncepti popravkov, GNSS, referenčna postaja, določitev položaja.
Work type:High school thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109977 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1847391 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis quality of the position determination in GNSS networks
RTK-GNSS methods are some of the most used GNSS measuring methods that enable positioning in real time. RTK methods are satellite navigation techniques that improve the accuracy of the data gathered from GNSS, because they include different influences on the observation when calculating the position. These influences are modeled based on observations of the reference stations in the vicinity of the rover. In this graduate thesis different RTK concepts are discussed. This graduate thesis studies the pros and cons of different RTK (concepts, with the informations gathered from RTK measurements and their analysis.. The measurements were performed on two locations that had more than 1000 m of height difference, with the intention of increasing the height influence. The two locations were in the same triangle of nearby reference stations, with the intention of having similar remaining observation influences. The purpose of this graduate thesis is to make an assessment of quality of the position determination in GNSS networks, wich will serve as a recommendation, to both, the managers and the users of GNSS networks.

Keywords:RTK, correction concepts, GNSS, reference station, position determination.

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