
Znanje učencev 7., 8. in 9. razreda osnovne šole o izločalih pri človeku
ID Klopčič Vukšinič, Amedea (Author), ID Strgar, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo preverjali znanje učencev sedmega, osmega in devetega razreda osnovne šole o izločalih pri človeku. Podatke smo zbrali s preizkusom znanja, ki je temeljil na ciljih učnega načrta za osmi razred. Sodelovalo je 241 učencev dveh osnovnih šol iz jugovzhodne Slovenije. Oblikovali smo štiri raziskovalna vprašanja. Pri pregledu učnih načrtov naravoslovnih predmetov osnovne šole v povezavi z izločali smo ugotovili, da se učenci že v prvem triletju srečajo z nekaterimi temeljnimi pojmi (npr. oddajanje snovi v okolje) ter spoznajo človeške organe in njihovo delovanje. O ledvicah govorijo že v 4. razredu. Temeljitejša obravnava izločal je predvidena v 8. razredu, ko učenci spoznajo zgradbo, delovanje in pomen izločal (tudi dializni aparat in urinske teste). Primerjava poglavja o izločalih v dveh potrjenih učbeniških kompletih za biologijo v osmem razredu, ki sta dostopna v fizični obliki, je pokazala, da sta podobno zastavljena, vsak od njiju pa ima nekatere prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. Ugotovili smo tudi, da poleg učbenikov učenci nimajo dodatnega gradiva, razen če zanj posebej poskrbi njihov učitelj. Pokazalo se je, da je znanje osmošolcev, ki so izločala obravnavali v tekočem šolskem letu, le pri treh od sedmih nalog (naloge 2, 4 in 6) statistično značilno boljše od znanja sedmošolcev, ki te snovi še niso obravnavali. Znanje devetošolcev, ki so izločala obravnavali preteklo šolsko leto, je bilo pri treh nalogah (1, 2 in 6) statistično značilno slabše kot pri osmošolcih. Kar kaže na to, da so snov preteklega šolskega leta že pozabili. Znanje devetošolcev se pri nobeni nalogi ni statistično značilno razlikovalo od znanja sedmošolcev. Na temelju naših rezultatov in literature, ki poudarja pomen izkušnje pri učenju naravoslovja oziroma biologije, smo izdelali predlog učne priprave za učno uro o izločalih za osmi razred osnovne šole. Ta temelji na izkustvenem učenju, tako da učenci samostojno izdelajo in uporabijo model izločal, ki naj jim pomaga pri učenju.

Keywords:izločala pri človeku
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109959 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12574281 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Human urinary system knowledge of the seventh graders, eight graders, and ninth graders
In this graduation thesis I tested the knowledge of primary school students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades regarding the secretory organs in humans. I gathered the data through an exam which was based on the 8th grade syllabus objectives. 241 pupils from two primary schools in South-East Slovenia participated in the examination. I designed four research questions. While studying primary school Natural Science syllabi with regard to secretory organs I found out that pupils learn about some basic concepts (e.g. secretion) and familiarize themselves with body organs and their functions already in the first triad. They explore kidney functions already in the 4th grade. A more in-depth discussion of secretors takes place in the 8th grade when pupils learn about their structure, activity and importance, and also gain knowledge on the dialysis machine and urine tests. My comparison of chapters on secretory organs of two approved textbook sets for 8th grade Biology that are available in print showed that they are similarly designed, yet each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, I discovered that to gain knowledge pupils depend solely on textbooks and do not have any extra materials, unless provided by their teacher. My research showed that knowledge of eight graders, who learned about secretory organs in their current school year, was statistically better than the knowledge of seventh graders, who were not taught the topic yet, only in three out of seven tasks (2, 4 and 6). Knowledge of ninth graders, who learned about secretory organs in the previous school year, was statistically poorer than that of eight graders in three tasks (1, 2 and 6). This implies that they have already forgotten the topic of the previous school year. Knowledge of ninth graders was statistically not different than that of seventh graders. Based on the results of my research and relevant literature that emphasises the importance of practical work in Natural Science/Biology learning, I made a lesson plan proposal for a lesson on secretory organs for the 8th grade of primary school. It revolves around experiential learning where pupils independently create and use a model of secretory organs which helps them in their studying.

Keywords:human secretory organs

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