
Vključenost otrok z ovirami med vrstnike v II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina
ID Bele, Anja (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zavedam se, da so otroci z ovirami ena od zelo ranljivih skupin. Poleg tega sem na podlagi prakse na II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina dobila občutek, da si učitelji, starši in strokovni delavci prizadevajo za čim večjo vključenost otrok z ovirami v redne osnovne šole. Menim, da lahko v redni osnovni šoli bolje razvijajo svoje interese in potenciale kot v zavodu ali usmerjujočih šolah. V primeru redne osnovne šole so otroci z ovirami vključeni med različne učence z različnimi potrebami, medtem ko so v zavodu med sebi enakimi. Na podlagi tega sklepam, da je vključitev otrok z ovirami v redne osnovne šole zelo pozitivna izkušnja zanje. V diplomski nalogi s področja vključevanja otrok z ovirami med vrstnike sem z delno standardiziranim intervjujem intervjuvala devet oseb. Med intervjuvanci je bilo šest otrok, in sicer iz vsake triade po dva: eden, ki ima oviro, in eden, ki ovire nima. Intervjuvala sem tudi tri strokovne delavce. Dobljene podatke sem kvalitativno obdelala, pri čemer sem uporabila metodo odprtega kodiranja. Zanimalo me je, kako so otroci z ovirami vključeni med svoje vrstnike v II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina. Spraševala sem se, kako otroci, ki nimajo ovir, sprejemajo otroke z ovirami in ali se pojavljajo razlike pri vključevanju glede na starost otrok. Ugotovila sem, da so otroci z ovirami v II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina dobro vključeni med svoje vrstnike, se pa sicer pojavljajo odstopanja. Za njihovo vključitev si na različne načine prizadevajo učitelji in strokovni delavci, kot so pripravljanje aktivnosti v razredu, ki zahtevajo timsko delo, in predavanja na temo drugačnosti. Učencem želijo čim bolj nazorno predstaviti, da so otroci z ovirami popolnoma enakovredni vsem učencem, le da potrebujejo dodatno pomoč na posameznih področjih. Ugotovila sem, da so tudi učenci zelo odprti za sprejemanje otrok z ovirami. Trudijo se, da bi jih čim bolj vključili v svojo družbo, se pa dogaja, da določeni posamezniki še vedno stigmatizirajoče nastopijo do svojih vrstnikov, ki imajo ovire. Prav tako sem opazila razlike v vključevanju otrok z ovirami med vrstnike glede na starost. Mlajši kot so otroci, manj se zavedajo, kakšne posledice lahko prinese oznaka otroka z ovirami. Običajno so med svoje vrstnike vključeni s pomočjo igre. Slabše vključeni so običajno starejši otroci, ki obiskujejo II. in III. triado osnovne šole, torej otroci med 6. in 9. razredom. Pri njih se že opazi, da dobro poznajo termin »otrok z ovirami«. Na podlagi rezultatov sem ugotovila, da so ravno starejši otroci tisti, ki z raznimi žaljivimi in nesramnimi komentarji potiskajo otroke z ovirami iz svojega družbenega okolja. Čim manj pogosto stigmatiziranje in etiketiranje si strokovni delavci prizadevajo doseči s skupnostnimi aktivnostmi in individualnimi srečanji.

Keywords:otroci z ovirami, vrstniki, integracija, inkluzija, učenci z učnimi težavami
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109903 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Inclusion of Children with special needs in II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina
I am aware of children with disabilities being one of the most vulnerable social groups. While I was at the elementary school II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina for my work placement, I have noticed that the teachers, parents, and the professional workers endeavour for the utmost inclusion and integration of children with disabilities into the ordinary elementary schools. In my opinion, in ordinary schools, these children can develop their interests and potentials better than in the institution or the school for children in needs. Moreover, in ordinary schools, children with disabilities are among children with different abilities and needs, while in the institution other children are more equal to them. To conclude based on my research, the integration and inclusion of children with disabilities in ordinary schools is a truly positive experience for them. In my graduation thesis about integration and inclusion of children with disabilities among their peers, nine people were interviewed with the partly standardised interview. I interviewed three professional workers and six children. From each of the three-year period in elementary school there were two children – one with disabilities and one without any. I analysed the gathered information qualitatively with a method of open encoding. My interest was in how the children with no disabilities accept the children with disabilities and whether the differences arise at integration and inclusion according to the children's age. I have come to the conclusion that children with disabilities in the elementary school II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina are well included among their peers, although there are some deviations. The teachers and professional workers are striving for children's integration and inclusion in various ways, such as the preparation of teamwork activities in the class or the lectures about being different. Their aim is to thoroughly introduce the children with disabilities as entirely equal to all other children and the fact that they only need some additional help on certain areas. I have found that children are eminently open to accepting children with disabilities. They truly try to include them in their company, more or less through the game. Still, there are some individuals that stigmatise children with disabilities. Moreover, I have noticed different ways of including children with disabilities among their peers according to age. The younger the children, the less aware they are of the consequences of labelling children with disabilities. The children from 6th to 9th grade are usually more poorly included. They are aware of the term ''children with disabilities''. On the basis of the results, I have concluded that the older children are excluding the children with disabilities out of their social environment with offensive and rude comments. To lessen this kind of stigmatisation and labelling, the professional workers are organising joint activities and individual consultations.

Keywords:children with disabilities, peers, integration, inclusion, pupils with learning difficulties

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