
Ocena požarne varnosti v objektu lekarne
ID Alidžanović, Alen (Author), ID Schnabl, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Požarna varnost je zelo regulirano področje, kjer mora država kot zakonodajalec poskrbeti predvsem za varnost ljudi, še posebej v primerih, ko gre za javne zgradbe in zbirališča večjega števila ljudi, ki so prvič prisotni na objektu in niso poučeni o nevarnostih in možnostih ukrepanja v primeru požara. V to kategorijo objektov spadajo tudi lekarne. Diplomsko delo se deli na dva dela. Namen prvega dela je seznanitev s splošnimi informacijami ter s cilji in ukrepi požarne varnosti. V njem sem predstavil zakonodajo, sistem aktivne požarne zaščite, osnove gorenja ter gašenja. Z razumevanjem osnov in teorije iz prvega dela lažje razumemo drugi del, v katerem sem preveril skladnost objekta z vidika vgrajenega sistema aktivne požarne zaščite, specificiral vnetljive snovi, ki se skladiščijo v objektu lekarne, in pregledal projektne rešitve za učinkovito intervencijo in gašenje. Po podrobnejšem pregledu ter analizi stanja požarne varnosti v lekarni sem ugotovil, da je v objektu zadostno število gasilnikov, v vsakem prostoru sta nameščena izvleček požarnega reda ter načrt evakuacije, evakuacijske poti so prehodne in primerno označene. Po objektu so nameščeni javljalniki, ki so povezani s centralo - ta je zaradi 24-urne dežurne lekarniške službe stalno pod nadzorom. Zato je rezultat izračuna ocene požarne ogroženosti 1. stopnje, kar pomeni, da je v objektu lekarne zelo majhna požarna ogroženost. V zaključku diplomskega dela sem na podlagi navedenega opredelil in dodal organizacijske ukrepe, ki naj bi jih uvedli za dodatno požarno preventivo, saj je primarni cilj požarne zaščite varovanje ljudi, premoženja in okolja.

Keywords:požar, požarna varnost, sistem aktivne požarne zaščite, gorenje, gašenje, organizacijski ukrepi požarne zaščite
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109895 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538407363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of fire safety in a pharmacy building
Fire safety is highly regulated area where the state, as a legislator, has to primarily ensure the safety of people, especially in public buildings or gatherings with a lot of first timers or occasional visitors, unaware of the possible dangers and uninformed of the ways to act in case the fire breaks out. Pharmacies definitely are premises that fit this description. The thesis consists of two parts. The aim of the first part is to get acquainted with general informations, goals and measures of fire safety. It introduces legislation, active fire safety system and basics of combustion and fire extinguishing. Understanding basic facts and theories presented in the first part is crucial for understanding the second part of the thesis where the compliance of the building with regard to the built-in active fire safety system has been checked, the potentially flammable substances, stored at the pharmacy premises, specified, and project solutions for effective intervention and fire extinguishing reviewed. After a detailed examination and analysis of the state of fire safety in a pharmacy building, it has been concluded, that there is a sufficient number of fire extinguishers in the facility, each room is equipped with extract from Fire Safety Policy and Evacuation Plan, and evacuation routes are transient and appropriately marked. The premises are fitted with detectors connected to the central station that is being supervised 24/7 due to the pharmacy duty service. Therefore the result of the Pharmacy Fire Risk Assessment shows level 1 threat meaning that at the pharmacy premises there is a very low fire risk. In a conclusion certain organisational measures have been defined and recommended to be implemented in order to improve fire prevention because the prime goal of fire safety is to protect people, property and environment.

Keywords:fire, fire safety, burning, extinguishing, active fire safety system, organisational fire safety measures

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