
Rousseau: Naravni divjak proti družbenemu človeku
ID Pogačnik, Filip Jakob (Author), ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z filozofsko interpretacijo Razprave o izvoru in temeljih neenakosti med ljudmi Jean-Jacquesa Rousseauja in podaja tudi kritični filozofski vpogled v obravnavano tematiko. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na tri glavne dele. V prvem delu se osredotoči na Rousseaujev nagovor Republiki Ženevi in na njegov predgovor, kjer položi filozofske temelje za nadaljnje branje Razprave. Drugi del diplomskega dela se osredotoči na prvi del same Razprave, kjer je beseda predvsem o naravnem stanju človeka in izvoru njegovih fizične in moralne neenakosti, ki ne izvira iz same narave temveč iz kasneje nastale družbe. V zadnjem, tretjem delu, je poudarek na druge delu Razprave, kjer se Rousseau osredotoči na kritiko modernih oblik socialnih skupin in privatne lastnine. Obema pripiše egoizem, izvor zla in pomanjkanje pomembne naloge človeške duše, ki ga predstavlja usmiljenje do drugih živih bitij.

Keywords:naravni divjak, naravno stanje človeka, neenakost med ljudmi, nastanek človeške družbe, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109700 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Title:Rousseau: Nobel savage versus social man
This dissertation is focused on philosophical interpretation of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s work Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among and on critical philosophical evaluation. The dissertation is divided into three parts. First part focuses on Rousseau’s speech to Republic of Geneva and his preface to the discourse, where he lays down the philosophical foundation for the reading of the Discourse. Second part focuses on the first part of the Discourse, where Rousseau writes about the natural state of mankind and the origins of the inequality among men. The third part focuses on second part of the Discourse, where Rousseau exposed the critic of the modern society and personal property. Rousseau expresses that both concepts present egoism, origin of evil and lack of compassion for other living beings.

Keywords:noble savage, natural state of mankind, inequality among men, emergence of society, Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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