
Judovska poroka - zapoved in želja : diplomsko delo
ID Vidmar, Katarina (Author), ID Skralovnik, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo o Judovski poroki je sistematična predstavitev le-te. Ukvarja se predvsem s predstavitvijo obreda in posameznih običajev in predmetov povezanih z njim, hkrati pa nam ponudi globlji vpogled v judovsko vero in njihovo življenje. Judovstvo je izrazito staro verstvo, ki sega v zgodovino vse do očakov. Ravno to je razlog, da so v začetku diplomskega dela predstavljeni arhetipski liki: Adam in Eva, Abraham in Sara, Izak in Rebeka, Jakob in Rahela. To so prvi judovski pari in začetniki nekaterih judovskih poročnih praks. Po drugi strani pa so s svojim odnosom in zakonskim življenjem pogosto tudi zgled današnjim judovskim parom. Judovska poroka je v grobem ločena na tri dele: šidukin, kidušin in nisuin. Vsak od teh delov je po svoje pomemben in zaznamovan s posebnimi običaji in tradicijo. Šidukin tako označuje nekakšno pripravo oziroma dogovor za poroko in podpis pomembnih dokumentov, ki so potrebni za poroko. Kidušin je prvi del obreda, ki se dogaja pod posebno streho hupo in je zaznamovan s sprevodom, blagoslovom vina, izmenjanjem prstanov in branjem poročnih besedil. Zadnji del se imenuje nisuin in velja za sklepno dejanje. Zaznamovan je z branjem sedmih blagoslovov, ki so prav tako pomembni v obrednem življenju posameznika. Zanimivo je, da obstajajo dnevi, ki niso primerni za izvršitev Judovske poroke. Med tem, pa prostorskih omejite oziroma pravil skoraj da ni. Poleg tega je za poroko značilno nekaj obrednih oblačil, ki jih nosita ženin in nevesta ter nekateri svatje. V delu pa so poleg tega, predstavljeni tudi obredni predmeti, ki se uporabljajo pri poroki in pomagajo ženinu in nevesti globljen doživeti sklenitev njune zakonske zveze. Diplomsko delo ima na koncu dodanih nekaj zanimivosti glede judovske poroke, ki lahko potencialnemu svatu ali opazovalcu pomagajo pri razumevanju nekaterih judovskih običajev in predvsem razjasnijo nekatere dvome ali zagate. Vsaka poroka pa je edinstvena in posebna sama zase. Težko je opisati, kaj točno se bo na poroki zgodilo. Lahko pa se seznanimo z bistvenimi sestavnimi deli le-te.

Keywords:judovska poroka, obred, šidukin, kidušin, nisuin, obredni predmeti, Ketuba, slavje, Mazel Tov.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Vidmar]
Number of pages:VI, 58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109699 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8192090 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Jewish wedding - commandment and wish
The diploma thesis on Jewish wedding is a systematic presentation of it. It deals mainly with the presentation of the ritual and the specific customs and objects associated with it, at the same time, as well, it provides a deeper insight into the Jewish faith and their life. Judaism is clearly an ancient religion that dates back to history, more or less to the time of the patriarchs. This is the reason why, at the beginning of this diploma thesis, archetypal characters like Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sara, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel are presented. These are the first Jewish couples and beginners of some Jewish wedding practices. On the other hand, their relationship and marriage are often an example also to today's Jewish couples. The Jewish wedding is roughly divided into three parts: shidukin, kidushin, and nissuin. Each of these parts is important, in its own way, and is characterized by specific customs and tradition. Shidukin thus signifies a kind of preparation or arrangement for the wedding and the signing of important documents required for the wedding. Kidushin is the first part of the ritual that takes place under a special roof (cover) Chuppah. It is marked by a procession, blessing of wine, exchanging of rings, and reading of wedding texts. The last part is called nissuin and is considered the concluding act. It is marked by reading the seven blessings that are also important in the ritual life of an individual. It is interesting that there are days which are not appropriate for a Jewish wedding. On the other hand, there are almost no spatial restrictions or rules. Besides, there are some ceremonial garments worn by the bride and the groom, and some wedding guests that are typical for the wedding. The thesis also presents some ritual objects used at the wedding which should help the bride and the groom to get a deeper experience of their wedding and marriage. There are some interesting details on Jewish wedding added in my diploma thesis has, in the end, which can help a potential wedding guest or an observer understand some Jewish customs and, above all, clarify some doubts or dilemmas. But each wedding is unique and special in itself. It is difficult to describe what exactly happens at a wedding. However, we can get acquainted with the essential components of it.

Keywords:Jewish wedding, ritual, shidukin, kidushin, nissuin, ritual objects, Ketuba, celebration, Mazel Tov.

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