
Sankcioniranje mladoletnih storilcev v kaznovalnem pravu
ID Ban, Maša (Author), ID Filipčič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Splošno sprejeto stališče pri obravnavi mladoletnikov v kaznovalnem pravu je, da zanje zaradi njihove mladosti, nezrelosti in ranljivosti veljajo drugačna izhodišča v primerjavi s polnoletnimi storilci. Poudarek je na mladoletnikovih pravicah, koristih in interesih ter na prevzgojni in bolj humani naravnanosti obravnavanja mladoletnih storilcev kaznivih dejanj in prekrškov. V preteklem stoletju so se oblikovali različni pristopi obravnave mladoletnikov, pri čemer sta osrednja pristopa zaščitniški, ki v ospredje postavlja mladoletnikove koristi in njegovo prevzgojo, in pravičnostni model, ki poudarja pravice mladoletnika in kaznovalni pristop, v zadnjih desetletjih pa se vedno bolj uveljavlja tudi model restorativne pravičnosti, katerega temeljna značilnost je osredotočanje na potrebe skupnosti, oškodovancev (žrtev) in popravo škode. Tem pristopom sledijo tudi mednarodna priporočila in smernice Organizacije združenih narodov in Sveta Evrope, ki imajo kljub nezavezujoči pravni naravi velik vpliv na razvoj mladoletniškega kaznovalnega prava. V magistrski diplomski nalogi sem preko analize mednarodnopravne in slovenske ureditve sistema sankcij, ki se izrekajo mladoletnikom, ter statistične analize preverjala naslednjo hipotezo: slovenska ureditev obravnavanja mladoletnih storilcev kaznivih dejanj in prekrškov sledi mednarodnopravnim dokumentom glede namena sankcioniranja in sistema sankcij ter ne potrebuje bistvenih sprememb, ki bi posegale v njene temeljne značilnosti. Zaključim lahko, da je slovenski sistem sankcij v bistvenem usklajen z mednarodno ureditvijo, v prihodnje pa si bo potrebno prizadevati za še večjo individualizacijo ukrepov, odpravljanje težav pri izvrševanju določenih sankcij in večjo specializacijo vseh, ki sodelujejo v postopku proti mladoletniku.

Keywords:mladoletnik, mladoletniško prestopništvo, sankcija, kazensko pravo, prekrškovno pravo, (pre)vzgoja, kaznovanje, vzgojni ukrepi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109690 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16885841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Sanctioning of juvenile offenders in penal law
A generally accepted position regarding the treatment of juveniles in penal law is that because of their youth, immaturity and vulnerability different starting points apply to them compared to adult perpetrators. Emphasis is placed on the rights, benefits and interests of the juvenile, as well as on re-education and more humane attitude of treating juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts and offences. In the past century different approaches to the treatment of juveniles have been developed, with the central approaches being a protective one, which puts the juvenile's benefits and his re-education in the forefront, and a just model, which emphasizes the rights of the juvenile and the punitive approach, in the recent decades a model of restorative justice, the basic characteristic of which is the focus on the need of the community, the victims and the reparation of damage. These approaches are followed also by the international recommendations and guidelines of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, which, despite their non-binding legal nature, have a major impact on the development of juvenile penal law. In my master thesis, I tested through the analysis of the international and national system of sanctions imposed on juveniles and through the statistical analysis the following hypothesis: the Slovenian regulation of the treatment of juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts and offences follows the international documents on the purpose of sanctioning and the sanction system and does not require substantial changes, which would interfere with its fundamental characteristics. I can conclude that the Slovenian system of sanctions is essentially in line with international regulation and in the future however it will be necessary to strive for greater individualization of measures, eliminating difficulties in the implementation of certain sanctions and greater specialization of all those involved in the procedure against a juvenile.

Keywords:juvenile, juvenile delinquency, sanction, criminal law, misdemeanour law, re-education, punishment, educational measures

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