
Vizualno regresijsko testiranje v DevOps okolju
ID Kopač, Tilen (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ustvariti orodje, ki v veliki meri pripomore k vzdrževanju vnaprej določenega videza aplikacije že v fazi razvoja, s tem pa tudi k krajšemu ciklu testiranja. Uporabljena je bila metoda vizualnega testiranja, saj to opozarja na morebitno nezaželene spremembe videza. Izvedena je bila večnivojska analiza orodij, ki podpirajo tovrstno testiranje. Najprej je bilo pregledanih veliko število rešitev in narejen ožji izbor. Nato so bile izbrane rešitve ocenjene na podlagi določenih kriterijev. Izbrana je bila najbolje ocenjena. Ta je bila nato umeščena v cevovod opravil, ki se samodejno izvedejo ob spremembi kode. S tem je bila zagotovljena neposredna povratna informacija razvijalcu, ki lahko takoj popravi napake, ki so povzročile nezaželene spremembe videza. To znatno skrajša čas, potreben za njihovo zaznavo in odpravo.

Keywords:vizualno regresijsko testiranje, DevOps, zvezna integracija, Jenkins, BackstopJS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109674 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538324163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
KOPAČ, Tilen, 2019, Vizualno regresijsko testiranje v DevOps okolju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Visual regression testing in DevOps environment
The goal of the thesis was to create a tool which helps maintain the defined appearance of an application in the development phase and, as a result, shortens the testing cycle. For this, visual regression testing was used, as it alerts its user of potentially unwanted changes in appearance of the application under test. A multilevel analysis of the tools, supporting such testing, was performed. First, a high number of solutions were taken into consideration. Tools, forming a selection of the best of them, were then individually rated on the basis of predefined criteria. The solution with the highest rating was chosen. It was then used in a pipeline, which is triggered whenever changes are made to the code of the application. Results of the testing are sent directly to the developer. This allows them to correct the code immediately if necessary. As a result, the time needed to spot and fix unwanted changes is greatly shortened.

Keywords:visual regression testing, DevOps, continuous integration, Jenkins, BackstopJS

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