
Prakse očetovanja po razvezi
ID Jeraj, Eva (Author), ID Švab, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga govori o praksah očetovanja po razvezi zakonske zveze. Razveza neizogibno prinese spremembe tudi v praksah starševanja. Po razvezi se spremeni delovanje in organizacija družine, vzpostavijo pa se tudi nova starševska razmerja in razvezana starša morata uskladiti vprašanja glede starševanja in vzgajanja. Spremembe v porazveznem starševanju so lahko zahtevne in zapletene za očete, saj njihovo vlogo, v nasprotju z dokaj jasnimi družbenimi pričakovanji glede materinstva, v pozni modernosti zaznamuje pluralizacija očetovskih podob. Poleg tega očetom težavo pri izvajanju porazvezne starševske prakse predstavlja tudi dejstvo, da v večini primerov dobijo vlogo nerezidenčnega starša, saj je v Sloveniji po razvezi več kot 80 odstotkov otrok dodeljenih materam. Očetom se s tem stik z otroki bolj omeji, kar jim lahko predstavlja težavo pri ponovnem navezovanju in vzpostavljanju odnosa z otroki. Ugotovitve drugih avtorjev sem preverila s pomočjo osebnih intervjujev. Intervjuvala sem deset razvezanih očetov, ki imajo vsaj enega otroka iz prejšnje zakonske zveze in imajo z njim redne stike. Želela sem izvedeti, kako se prakse očetovanja spremenijo po razvezi; kakšne morebitne spremembe so, na kakšne načine se izražajo, kakšen vpliv imajo nanje, so te spremembe skozi oči očetov dobre ali slabe in kakšne prakse očetovanja očetje razvijejo po razvezi. Očetje nekatere spremembe zaznavajo pozitivno, druge negativno. K bolj enakomerni porazdelitvi starševskih nalog očetje po razvezi ne prispevajo, saj so ženske bolj obremenjene, kot so bile pred razvezo, čas, ki ga očetje po razvezi preživijo s svojimi otroki, pa je bolj koristno preživet, kot je bil pred razvezo.

Keywords:očetovstvo, prakse očetovanja, zakonska zveza, razveza zakonske zveze, otroci.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109615 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36402013 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Practices of fatherhood after the divorce
The bachelor’s thesis discusses the practices of fatherhood after the divorce. The divorce brings changes in the practices of parenthood too inevitably. After the divorce, the functioning and organization of the family change. New parental relationships are established too and the divorced parents have to synchronize questions regarding parenthood and upbringing. The changes in the post-divorce parenthood can be challenging and complicated for the fathers, as their role is marked by pluralization of fatherly images in postmodernity, contrary to quite clear social expectations regarding the maternity. In addition, fathers face the problem in performing post-divorce parental practice in the form of the fact that in most cases they are given a role of a nonresidential parent, as more than 80 percent of children are assigned to mothers after the divorce in Slovenia. Thus, the contact with children becomes more limited for the fathers which can represent a problem in reestablishing the relationship with children. I tested the ascertainments of other authors by means of personal interviews. I interviewed ten divorced fathers who have at least one child from the previous marriage and have regular contacts with them. I wished to ascertain how the practices of fatherhood change after the divorce, what possible changes there are, in which ways they appear, what influence they have on them, whether these changes are good or bad through the eyes of the fathers, and what practices of fatherhood the fathers develop after the divorce. The fathers sense some of the changes positively, others negatively. Fathers do not contribute to more even distribution of parental duties because the women are more strained as they were before the divorce. The time the fathers spend with their children after the divorce is more beneficially spent as it was before the divorce.

Keywords:paternity, practices of fatherhood, marriage, divorce, children.

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