The problem of recruiting personnel (with lower qualifications) in the period of economic boom is a challenge for several companies. Economic growth led to lower unemployment and at the same time demographic changes dictate a new trend – larger older generation is retiring, and a smaller generation is entering the labour market. For employers this means a smaller set of proper candidates for employment, thus giving job seekers an advantageous negotiating position. Consequences of difficult recruiting are seen at the employees’ and companies’ level, as well as at the state’s level. For example, personnel deficit can lead to a greater workload of the existing employees, lower companies’ productivity, and lower state’s efficiency. Therefore, companies must focus more on methods of retaining and recruiting new candidates. Based on this, in my master’s thesis I research the problem of recruiting personnel with lower qualifications in the trading company X. More specifically, I try to research the reasons that led to the personnel problem, their consequences, and measures adopted in the company. Based on this, I try to search potential additional measures and solutions. Methods used in researching are the following: internal documents analysis of the company X, observation with participation, and semi-structured interviews in the company as well as with independent professionals.