
Izdelava stop motion animacije za predšolske otroke
ID Robnik, Katarina (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo zajema celoten postopek izdelave stop motion animacije od začetka do konca. Teoretični del zajema zgodovino animacije, prvo uporabo animacije, njen razvoj, vrste animacije in njihov krajši opis ter razlago in različne vrste stop motion animacije. Praktični del diplomskega dela najprej zajema obrazložitev snovanja ideje in scenarija. Opišemo potek razvoja likov od skice do končnega lika in kakšne materiale in postopke smo uporabili za izvedbo, na kakšne težave smo naleteli pri izdelavi in kako smo jih rešili. Nato obrazložimo potek snovanja animacijske knjige in pomembnost le-te. Pregledamo, kakšna je postavitev scene in luči ter opišemo opremo, ki smo jo uporabili za izdelavo animacije. Nadaljujemo z opisom postopka animiranja in opisom težav, na katere smo naleteli ob njem, kako smo rešili napake in kakšne so rešitve problemov. Opišemo potek postprodukcije in kako smo se je lotili, opišemo postopek montaže video dela animacije ter kakšne učinke smo uporabili. Razložimo potek izdelave grafik in njihovo umeščanje, potek izdelave uvodne in zaključne špice ter potek snemanja in urejanja zvoka ter kakšno glasbo smo dodali animaciji ter zakaj. Na koncu obrazložimo še kako je potekala predstavitev otrokom, kakšni so bili njihovi odzivi ter kakšno je bilo njihovo mnenje o animaciji. Zaključimo s tem, kaj smo se naučili z izdelavo diplomskega dela in kaj bi spremenili pri nadaljnjem ustvarjanju stop motion animacij.

Keywords:animacija, animacija iz plastelina, postprodukcija, produkcija, stop motion animacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109566 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Production of Stop Motion Animation for Preschool Children
The paper deals with the production process of stop-motion animation from beginning to end. In the theoretical part we discuss the history, first use and development of animation; furthermore, different types of animation and stop-motion animation are presented and briefly described. The empirical part first presents our idea and the screenplay development process. We describe the development of the characters—from the first sketch to the final product—as well as the materials and procedures used in the production. Furthermore, we also discuss some problems we faced and explain how we solved them. In the empirical part, we likewise portray the designing process and the importance of an animation book. Additionally, we review the scene composition and lighting and describe the equipment, used in animation production. The animation process, problems that occurred in our work and solutions are presented. We introduce the post-production process, the video editing process and list the effects that were used in the production. We go on to explain how the graphics were created and used and then discuss how the opening and end credits were designed. The process of filming and sound editing was also presented. In the end, we discuss the presentation of our animation to children, what their reaction was and what they thought of the animation. In the conclusion, we review our work process and provide some suggestions on what we would change in the production process of stop-motion animation in the future.

Keywords:animation, clay animation, postproduction, production, stop motion animation

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