
Ekološki odtis prebivalcev občine Rogatec
ID Herman, Eva (Author), ID Vintar Mally, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ekološki odtis meri biološko produktivno površino, ki jo prebivalstvo potrebuje za proizvodnjo naravnih virov, ki jih porabi, in da absorbira odpadke, ki jih pri tem ustvari. Potrebo prebivalstva po naravnih virih primerja z biokapaciteto ekosistemov. Merimo ga v enoti globalni hektar (gha). V zaključni seminarski nalogi smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in spletnega kalkulatorja izračunali ekološki odtis prebivalcev občine Rogatec. V anketiranje je bilo vključenih 106 posameznikov. Ugotovili smo, da ekološki odtis povprečnega prebivalca občine znaša 4,8 gha. Rezultati so pokazali, da največji delež prispeva ogljični odtis, in sicer v povprečju 48 % celotne vrednosti ekološkega odtisa. Analiza po posameznih kategorijah potrošnje je pokazala, da je odtis hrane (2 gha) odgovoren za največji delež ekološkega odtisa. Poleg vrednosti in sestave ekološkega odtisa nas je zanimalo tudi, s katerimi ukrepi bi bili anketiranci pripravljeni zmanjšati svoj ekološki odtis. Največ bi se jih odločilo za ukrepe s področja hrane (pridelava lastne hrane, kupovanje lokalno pridelanih izdelkov) in prometa (opravljanje krajših poti s kolesom ali peš). Z nalogo smo želeli spodbuditi anketirance, da premislijo o svojem vplivu na okolje in o možnostih, s katerimi bi lahko živeli na okolju bolj prijazen način.

Keywords:ekološki odtis, biokapaciteta, ekološki deficit, trajnostni razvoj, občina Rogatec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109559 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Ecological footprint of the residents of the municipality of Rogatec
Ecological footprint measures the biologically productive surfaces that a population needs to produce the natural resources it consumes and to absorb its waste. It compares the population’s demand on natural resources with the biocapacity of ecosystems. It is measured in global hectares (gha). In the final seminar paper, we calculated the ecological footprint of the residents of the municipality of Rogatec with the use of a survey and an online calculator of ecological footprint. The survey included 106 respondents. Ecological footprint of an average resident of the municipality is 4.8 gha. The results indicated that on average, carbon footprint represents 48 % of the total value of ecological footprint. The analysis of consumption categories showed that food, with 2 gha, is the largest contributor to the ecological footprint. We were also interested in finding out what type of changes would the respondents be prepared to adopt in order to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Most of them would be willing to try to grow more food on their gardens, to buy more organic or locally produced food and to walk or cycle instead of driving a car. With this paper, we wanted to encourage respondents to consider their impact on the environment and the possibilities to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.

Keywords:ecological footprint, biocapacity, ecological deficit, sustainable development, municipality of Rogatec

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