
Kartiranje epitopov monoklonskih in poliklonskih protiteles proti protrombinu
ID Jud, Laura (Author), ID Lunder, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žigon, Polona (Comentor)

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Antifosfolipidni sindrom je sistemska avtoimunska bolezen posredovana z antifosfolipidnimi protitelesi, za katero so značilne venske in arterijske tromboze različnih segmentov obtočil ter zapleti v nosečnosti. V heterogeno skupino antifosfolipidnih protiteles sodijo protitelesa usmerjena proti različnim plazemskim proteinom, ki se v serumu bolnikov določajo s specifičnimi imunskimi testi ali testi koagulacije. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na protitelesa proti protrombinu z namenom določitve njihovega vezavnega mesta na protrombinu. Z metodo bakteriofagnega prikaza smo iz knjižice dodekapeptidov, izraženih na bakteriofagih, izvedli selekcijo bakteriofagov, ki so izkazovali vezavo na izolirana protitelesa proti protrombinu. Izolirane bakteriofage smo ovrednotili s testom ELISA, izbranim fagom smo izolirali DNA ter jim določili aminokislinsko zaporedje peptidov, predstavljenih na površini teh klonov. Dobljena aminokislinska zaporedja dodekapeptidov smo nato prilegali na terciarno strukturo protrombina. Določili smo štiri različne motive peptidov, dva motiva peptidov, ki smo jih pridobili v selekciji na poliklonskih protitelesih (eden od teh se je pojavil v predhodnih študijah) in dva motiva peptidov, ki smo jih pridobili v selekciji na monoklonskih protitelesih. S prileganjem peptidov na kristalne strukture protrombina smo predvideli epitopska mesta. Prišli smo do zaključka, da konformacija protrombina pomembno vpliva na katero domeno se bodo vezala protitelesa. Pri zviti konformaciji protrombina (4O03) smo z algoritmom predvideli epitope na domeni serinske proteaze in domeni »kringle«-2, medtem ko je algoritem enake peptide na nezvito obliko protrombina (6BJR in 4NZQ) prilegal na različne domene.

Keywords:Protitelesa proti protrombinu, metoda bakteriofagnega prikaza, kartiranje epitopov, protrombin
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2019
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Title:Epitope mapping of polyclonal and monoclonal antiprothrombin antibodies
Antiphospholipid syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease mediated by antiphospholipid antibodies and characterized by venous and/or arterial thrombosis. The heterogeneous group of antiphospholipid antibodies comprises antibodies directed against various plasma proteins which can be determined in the serum either by specific immune tests or by coagulation tests. In our diploma thesis we focused on antiprothrombin antibodies, which are one of the subgroup of antiphospholipid antibodies and aimed to determine their binding site on prothrombin. For epitope determination we have used phage display libraries containing different dodecapeptides. Specifically bound bacteriophages expressing peptides that interacted with antiprothrombin antibodies were afterwards isolated in serial selections. Using the ELISA test we determined peptides with highest avidity for antiprothrombin antibodies, then isolated their DNA and determined the amino acid sequence. Next, we tried to localize the revealed epitopes with the alignment to prothrombin tertiary structure. We determined four different peptide motives, with one observed in previous studies and came to the conclusion that prothrombin conformation has a big impact on alignment of antibodies. Using PepSurf algorithm we preformed the alignment to both closed (4O03) and open conformations of prothrombin (6BJR and 4NZQ). The first alignment to closed conformation revealed epitopes for antiphospholipid antibodies on proteolytic domain and »kringle«-2 domain of prothrombin, however when we performed the alignment of the same peptides on open conformation of prothrombin (6BJR and 4NZQ), the epitopes where on different domains.

Keywords:antiprothrombin antibodies, phage display, epitope mapping, prothrombin

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