
Digitalizacija filmskih negativov na različne načine
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Dandanes analogna fotografija spet narašča, kar pomeni, da vse več fotografov začenja odkrivati vse, kar ponuja. Vsako fotografijo, ki je bila zajeta na fotografski film, je moč pretvoriti v digitalni zapis, kar omogoči veliko novih možnosti, na primer korekturo. Namen diplomskega dela je z različnimi napravami digitalizirati filmski negativ in analizirati digitalizirane fotografije. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene osnove fotografije, vključno z njeno zgodovino. Osrednji del izpostavlja analogno fotografijo, s katero je predstavljeno osnovno znanje, potrebno za razumevanje digitalizacije filmskih negativov. Opisana ter predstavljena je digitalizacija, ki zajema različne tipe naprav, vse od amaterskih do profesionalnih, ter njihov namen uporabe. Prav tako so predstavljene prednosti in slabosti za vsak tip naprave. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene tehnične značilnosti naprav, ki so bile uporabljene za digitalizacijo filmskega negativa. Z različnimi tipi naprav so poudarjene razlike fotografij, ki so nastale pri digitalizaciji. Na podlagi razlik ter ugotovitev so bili analizirani rezultati fotografij, zajeti z različnimi tehnikami, ki jih ponujajo omenjene naprave. Prav tako so bile ugotovljene rešitve, s katerimi lahko vsak fotograf pretvori filmski negativ v digitalno obliko. Pretvorba med analognim zapisom fotografij v digitalnega je zelo pomembna, saj se rezultati med seboj zelo razlikujejo. Glede na potrebe uporabe je zato potrebno izbrati optimalno tehniko digitalizacije, ki bo primerna za kasnejšo uporabo digitalnih fotografij.

Keywords:analogna fotografija, digitalizacija, film 135, filmski negativ, skeniranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109525 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Scanning film negatives in different ways
Nowadays, analog photography is on the rise again, which means that more and more photographers are starting to discover everything it brings. Every single photo captured on a photographic film can be converted into a digital form, which allows a lot of new possibilities, for example, editing. The thesis will describe scanning film negatives in different ways with various devices and analyze scanned photos. The theoretical part represents photography basics including its history. The main part will focus on analog photography and basic scanning knowledge that is required for understanding the digitization of film negatives. Process of scanning film negatives covers various types of devices from amateur to professional, their use, advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, the next part will focus on technical characteristics of all the devices, used for digitization. Different types of devices emphasize differences of photographs, scanned by different devices. On the basis of all the differences and findings, the results of the photographs were analyzed, which were scanned by various techniques offered by these devices. We have also found a solution which allows photographers to convert the film negative to digital form. Conversion from an analog form of photographs to digital is very important since the results differ greatly from one another. Depending on the needs of the use it is, therefore, necessary to choose the optimal scanning technique that will be suitable for the subsequent use of digital photographs.

Keywords:analog photography, digitization, film negative, scanning, 135 film

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