
Odgovorna raba kemikalij v industriji
ID Lesar, Alja (Author), ID Novosel, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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O kemikalijah in ravnanju z njimi nas izobražujejo že v času šolanja in kasneje na specifičnih delovnih mestih, če se tam zaposlimo. O tem, kakšen odnos in pogled na kemikalije imajo ljudje in ali z njimi odgovorno ravnajo, je na voljo nekaj raziskav, kakšen pa je odnos in pogled na kemikalije ljudi, ki so z njimi v stiku na dnevni ravni, na delovnem mestu, pa ni tako dobro raziskano. Namen diplomskega dela je bilo raziskati, kako odgovorno ter kakšen odnos in pogled na kemikalije imajo zaposleni v kemijski industriji v Sloveniji. Raziskava o slednjem je potekala med ljudmi v kemijski industriji s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga pripravila ob pomoči mentorice doc. dr. Barbare Novosel in doc. dr. Marije Molan. Anketni vprašalnik je sestavljalo 32 vprašanj, od katerih je bilo nekaj splošnih o spolu, starosti in izobrazbi, sledila pa so jim vprašanja, povezana s kemikalijami, kot so ali uporabljajo kemikalije, kako se pred njimi zaščitijo, na kaj so pozorni pri nakupu izdelkov v trgovini, ali poznajo učinke določenih kemikalij in tako dalje. Iz pridobljenih rezultatov vprašalnika je bilo raziskano, kakšni so splošni odgovori, ali je razlika med njimi glede na spol, starost ali izobrazbo anketiranih in ali je možno iz že obstoječih raziskav z laiki razbrati razlike med njimi in zaposlenimi v industriji. Izkazalo se je, da je splošen odnos ljudi do kemikalij dokaj pozitiven, da se ljudje kemikalij zavedajo in imajo do njih odgovoren odnos. Največji vpliv na odnos in pogled na kemikalije ima spol, malo manj starost, medtem ko ga izobrazba glede na raziskavo vpliva nima. Očitne razlike odnosa in pogleda na kemikalije med laiki in zaposlenimi v industriji prav tako ni bilo. Za izboljšanje že dokaj zadovoljivega znanja o kemikalijah bi se lahko pripravile razne ciljnim skupinam prilagojene zloženke, seminarji ali ozaveščanje preko medijev, kot sta televizija in internet, ki je dandanes že večini dostopen in ga uporablja ogromno ljudi.

Keywords:industrija, kemikalije, zaposleni, odgovorna raba, vprašalnik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109520 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538317507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2019
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Secondary language

We are educating ourselves on chemicals and dealing with them in the period of schooling, and later on specific jobs, if we work there. About what kind of attitude and view of chemicals people have and whether they act responsibly, there are some studies available, but what is the relationship and look at the chemicals of people who are in contact with them on a daily basis, is not so good researched. As part of my diploma thesis, I wanted to explore how responsible and what kind of attitude and view of chemicals employees in the chemical industry in Slovenia have. The research on the latter was conducted among people in the chemical industry with the help of a questionnaire, which I prepared with the help of mentor doc. dr. Barbara Novosel and doc. dr. Marija Molan. The questionnaire consisted of 32 questions, some of which were general on gender, age and education, followed by questions related to chemicals such as, their use of chemicals, how to protect yourself from them, what they are paying attention to when buying products in the shop, do they know effects of certain chemicals and so on. From the obtained results of the questionnaire, it was studied what are the general answers, whether there is a difference between them according to gender, age or education, and whether it is possible to find out if there is the differences between employees in the industry and lay people from the existing research with lay people. It turned out that the general attitude of people to chemicals is quite positive, that people are aware and have a respectful approach to them. The greatest influence on the attitude and view of the chemicals is played by gender, a little less age, while education has no influence on their attitude. There was also no obvious difference in the relationship and view of chemicals between lay people and employees in the industry. In order to improve the already quite satisfactory knowledge of chemicals, it would be possible to prepare a wide range of custom-made leaflets, various seminars or media information, such as television and the Internet, which is nowadays most accessible and used by a lot of people.

Keywords:industry, chemicals, employees, responsible use, questionnaire

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