
Osebna varovalna oprema in informacijska tehnologija
ID Košir, Klara (Author), ID Tomšič, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena osebna varovalna oprema, ki ima svojo osnovno funkcijo, poleg nje pa s pomočjo senzorjev omogoča še nadzorovanje dejavnikov zunanjega okolja in delavčevih vitalnih funkcij. Podobno lahko oddaja tudi lokacijski signal, kar pripomore k nadzoru njenega nošenja oziroma sledenju lokacije uporabnika. Slednje je posebnega varnostnega pomena pri delu v nevarnem okolju. Senzorji lahko med seboj in z napravami komunicirajo preko internetnih povezav (Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G), povezave bluetooth, RFID ali NFC. Poleg same zaščite delov telesa pred nevarnostmi in tveganji, lahko uporabnika opozarja še na druge možne nevarnosti. Pridobljeni podatki se lahko shranijo v podatkovno bazo ali v »oblak«, kjer se pripravijo na nadaljnjo obdelavo. Opisali smo tudi primere uporabe osebne varovalne opreme, ki uporablja informacijsko tehnologijo ter primere izdelkov, ki so dostopni na trgu. Na začetku diplomskega dela smo predpostavili, da lahko takšna osebna varovalna oprema dodatno zmanjša število poškodb na delovnem mestu in bo v prihodnosti zamenjala tradicionalno osebno varovalno opremo. Po pregledu literature smo hipotezo potrdili in izpostavili nekatere opažene pozitivne in negativne vidike njene uporabe.

Keywords:osebna varovalna oprema, informacijska tehnologija, varnost in zdravje pri delu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109514 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538318019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2019
KOŠIR, Klara, 2019, Osebna varovalna oprema in informacijska tehnologija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Personal protective equipment and information technology (I.T)
In this work we discuss personal protective equipment, which has its primary functions and is in addition exploiting the information technology, to monitor the environmental factors and user’s vital functions by embedded sensors. Such personal protective equipment can also transmit localization signals, which aids the monitoring of its use – it is possible to control the proper use of personal protective equipment and keep the in-time track of the user’s location, when he is in the dangerous environment. The sensors communicate with each other and other devices via various Internet connections (Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G), or bluetooth, RFID or NFC connection. Such personal protective equipment is able to warn and inform the user on potential hazards. The collected data can be stored in databases or in the »cloud«, where it is available ready for further processing and analysis. We also present some examples of using smart personal protective equipment. At the beginning of this thesis, we hypothesized that such personal protective equipment could reduce the number of workplace injuries and would in the future replace basic personal protective equipment. After reviewing the literature, we confirmed the hypothesis and presented some positive and negative aspects of its use.

Keywords:personal protective equipment, information technology, occupational safety

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