
Kompetence socialnih delavcev in delavk na centrih za socialno delo
ID Golob, Špela (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tekom prakse v tretjem letniku sem bila priča upravičenim kritikam dela socialnih delavk na centru in hkrati predanemu, vestnemu in dobro opravljenemu delu socialnih delavk in delavcev, zato v tej diplomski nalogi raziskujem, katere kompetence, pridobljene na Fakulteti za socialno delo, so uporabne za delo na centrih za socialno delo in kakšne kompetence zahteva delovno okolje na centru od zaposlenih socialnih delavk in delavcev. V pregledu problematike se poglabljam v vprašanje kaj je socialno delo, predstavim predmetnik Fakultete za socialno delo in predvidene kompetence, ki bi jih študentje morali osvojiti, ter na kratko preletim zgodovino centrov za socialno delo in opredelim področja na centru. Raziskava je kvantitativna in kvalitativna. Preko spletne ankete sem zbirala kvantitativne podatke o tem, kako kompetentni se počutijo socialni delavci na centru za socialno delo glede na pridobljene kompetence iz študijskih let in kako uporabne so le-te za njihovo delo. Preko intervjujev pa sem želela ugotoviti, katere kompetence pričakuje center od zaposlenih socialnih delavcev in delavk za delovno mesto, ki ga opravljajo, ali te kompetence pridobijo na fakulteti in kakšne možnosti nadgradnje kompetenc jim ponuja center sam. Nekatere izmed hipotez, ki si jih zastavljam v raziskavi so tudi: (H2) Več kot polovica anketirancev, ki so opravljali prvo ali drugo stopnjo na Fakulteti za socialno delo, so vse oziroma večino osvojenih kompetenc pridobljene tekom študija lahko uporabili v praksi za delo na centru za socialno delo. (H3) Če bo povprečje uporabnosti specifičnih in splošnih kompetenc znašalo manj kot 2,5, pomeni, da so v povprečju splošne in specifične kompetence od še kar do zelo uporabne za delo na centru za socialno delo. (H4) Pri vprašanju o uporabnosti kompetenc bosta specifični kompetenci znanje in sposobnost pogovarjanja in znanje in sposobnost vzpostavljanje delovnega odnosa in osebnega stika dobili najnižje povprečje, kar pomeni da sta ti dve kompetenci najbolj uporabni za delo na centru. Raziskovalna vprašanja pa so (RV1) Katere kompetence zahteva določeno delovno mesto od socialne delavke na centru za socialno delo? (RV2) Ali so zahtevane kompetence za delovno mesto, na katerem je trenutno zaposlen socialni delavec ali delavka na centru za socialno delo, pridobljene na Fakulteti za socialno delo? Če ne, kje jih je pridobil? (RV3) Kako skrbi center za socialno delo za nadgradnjo kompetenc zaposlenih socialnih delavk in delavcev? Populacija, zajeta v raziskavo, so vsi socialni delavci in delavke na centrih za socialno delo po Sloveniji v obdobju od aprila do junija 2019, vzorec pa so vsi socialni delavci in delavke centrov za socialno delo Ljubljana Vzhod, ki je bil izbran neslučajnostno in priročno. Zdi se mi velik uspeh za Fakulteto za socialno delo, da so prve tri splošne in specifične kompetence, pri katerih se socialni delavci počutijo najbolj kompetentno, tudi kompetence, ki so najbolj uporabne za delo na centru za socialno delo, te so kritična in etična (samo)refleksija mišljenja in ravnanja, veščine komuniciranja in prepoznavanje in odzivanje na raznolikost. Daleč najbolj kompetentno se počutijo pri specifični kompetenci vzpostavljanja delovnega odnosa in osebnega stika, kar je tudi najbolj uporabna kompetenca od kompetenc pridobljenih na Fakulteti za socialno delo za delo na centru za socialno delo. Tri najmanj uporabne splošne kompetence in hkrati kompetence, pri katerih se socialni delavci počutijo najmanj kompetentno, pa so inovativnost, sposobnost mreženja, sposobnost delovanja v mednarodnem pluralnem in strokovnem okolju. Glavni manko diplomske naloge je majhno število udeležencev pri spletni anketi in dejstvo, da so trije intervjuvanci prihajali iz istega centra. Razlagam si, da je bil čas raziskovanja neustrezen za centre, saj se ravno v tem času soočajo s posledicami reorganizacije ter uvedbo Krpana. Glavni predlogi iz raziskave izhajajo, da bi bilo dobro v predmetnik na Fakulteti za socialno delo uvesti več predmetov iz prava in psihologije ter se bolj dotakniti in obravnavati teme kot so revščina, neprostovoljni uporabniki, alkoholizem in duševno zdravje.

Keywords:kompetence, uporabnost, zahteve, Fakulteta za socialno delo, center za socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109490 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Competences of Social Workers on Centers for Social Work
Over the course of the practice on a center of social work in the third year of undergraduate studies on Faculty of social work I witnessed hard working, dedicated social workers who were doing everything for the users good and at the same time I was a witness to the legitimate criticisms of the work of the social workers in the center of social work. Therefore, I decided to look deeper in how competent social workers are in the field of centers of social work. In this research I examine how competent do social workers feel based on the accomplished competences during the study on the Faculty of social work, which accomplished competences learned during education on the Faculty of social work are useful in the practice, how competent do social workers feel on their workplace in centers of social work, which competences does the center request for the social worker to have and how do centers provide the upgrade of competences. In the review of the problems I look deeper in the question what social work is, I take a look at the curriculum of the Faculty of social work and expected competences fort the students to accomplish. I take a brief overview of the history of centers for social work and I opt its fields. The survey is quantitative and qualitative. Through an online survey I collected quantitative data about how competent social workers feel in the center for social work regarding the competencies gained from the university study and how useful they are based on the workplace they are. Through the interviews, I strived to identify the competence centers of social work expect from their employed social workers and what are the possibilities of upgrading the competences by the help of centers. One of the hypotheses I put in the survey are: (H2) More than half of the respondents who studied on the undergraduate study on Faculty of social work or postgraduate course on the Faculty of social work, can all or most of the competences acquired during the course of the study use in the practice of the work at the centers for social work. (H3) If the average of specific and generic competences is less than 2.5, it means that on average the general and specific competences are very useful for the work of the center for social work. (H4) The question based on usefulness of the competences will show that the two generic competence being able to lead a conversation and the ability to establish a working relationship and personal contact are the most useful competence for the workspace in centers for social work. The research questions are (RV1) which competences does a specific workplace on centers for social work require? (RV2) Are the required competences earned during the education at the Faculty of social work? If not, where are they gained? (RV3) How do centers for social work provide the ability for the social workers to upgrade their competences? The population included in the study were all social workers on centers for social work in Slovenia in the period from April to June 2019. In the sample are gather all social workers from the centers of social work Ljubljana East, which has been selected on purpose. It seems to me to be a huge success for the Faculty of social work to be the first three objectives and the specific competencies in which social workers feel the most competent also the competencies that are most useful for the work in the center for social work. These competences are: critical and ethical (self -) reflection on the thinking and the behavior, skills of communication and recognition of and response to diversity. By far the most competent social workers feel with the specific competence in building a working relationship and personal contact. Three of the least useful general competencies and also the competencies in which social workers feel the least competent are innovativeness, the ability of networking, the ability to act in the international and professional environment and the ability to connect people and institutions for helping the user. The main deficit is in the tasks of the small number of participants in the on-line survey, and the fact that three of the interviewees came from the same center. I think it is due to the wrong time of researching because centers are nowadays facing with the consequences of the reorganization. A major preposition coming out of the research is to change the curriculum so the students of the Faculty of social work could learn more about law and psychology and to address more the topics such as poverty, non-voluntary users, alcohol and mental health.

Keywords:competence, usability, request, Faculty of social work, centers of social work

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