
vročanje v pravdnem postopku - primerjalnopravni pogled
ID Skorjanc, Iana (Author), ID Kramberger Škerl, Jerca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavam institut vročanja v pravdnem postopku držav Rusije, Združenega kraljestva in Slovenije. Primerjalnopravno so analizirani pojem in vsebina vročanja, načini vročitve, napake pri vročanju in njihova poprava. Analizirala sem sisteme vročanja v omenjenih državah ter njihove prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. Za opredelitev učinkovitosti vročanja v pravdi je bilo treba opredeliti kriterije primerjave. Pri opredelitvi učinkovitosti pravdnega postopka sem upoštevala časovno komponento in preobremenjenost sodišča v zvezi z nalogo, ki jo ima v postopku vročanja. Učinkovitost je usmerjena v varstvo pravic strank postopka in hitrost postopka. V okviru učinkovitosti postopka mora biti stranka pravilno obveščena, kar zagotavlja njeno seznanjenost s pomembnimi dejstvi in stališčem nasprotne stranke. Pravilnost obveščanja je odvisna od uspešne vročitve pisanja naslovniku. V zvezi s tem so bili obravnavani institut fikcije vročitve in problemi, ki nastanejo v primeru, ko poslano ni bilo dejansko vročeno. Ugotovila sem, da se postopek vročanja v Rusiji, Združenem kraljestvu in Sloveniji bistveno razlikuje. Vsaka država ima v svojem sistemu prednosti in pomanjkljivosti zakonodajnega reguliranja na področju vročanja. Analiza je pokazala, da med omenjenimi državami ni idealnega modela vročanja ter da bi bil pri vsakem sistemu vročanja potreben vnos bistvenih sprememb. Prav tako sem na primerih treh držav pokazala zvezo med učinkovitostjo norm procesnega prava glede vročanja ter varstvom pravic strank postopka

Keywords:vročanje, pravica do sodnega varstva, učinkovitost pravdnega postopka, primerjalnopravni pogled
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109475 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16889937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:service of process - comparative legal view
In this master's thesis, I am dealing with the service of documents in civil proceedings of Russia, the United Kingdom and Slovenia. The comparative method is used to analyse the following: concept and contents of service, methods of service, incorrect service and possible improvement of service. Throughout this analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the systems of service in these countries are shown. To determine the effectiveness of service, it was necessary to define the criteria for comparison. In defining the effectiveness of litigation, I took into account the duration of the proceedings and the workload of the court, both concerning the tasks the court has in the service process. The protection of the rights of the parties in the proceedings and the speed of the procedure often depend on the effectiveness of the service, which ensures party’s familiarity with the relevant facts and with the positions of the counterparty. In this regard, I examine the so-called fictitious service and the problems that emerge in case the sent document was in fact not served. I have found that in Russia, the United Kingdom, and Slovenia the service procedure varies considerably. Each of the mentioned countries has advantages and disadvantages in its system of legislative regulation in the field of service. While comparing the different service procedures, I concluded that there is no ideal model and that all the compared systems would require substantial changes. I have also shown that there is a correlation between the effectiveness of the rules of procedural law regarding the service and the protection of the rights of the parties to the proceedings.

Keywords:service, right to a fair trial, efficiency of litigation, comparative law

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