
Razvoj varnega komunikacijskega posrednika in učinkovite arhitekture za povezovanje interneta stvari in spletnih aplikacij
ID HRIBERNIK, MATEVŽ (Author), ID Sedlar, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi predstavljamo razvoj aplikacije in arhitekture za zagotavljanje varne in zasebne komunikacije med napravami interneta stvari in spletnimi aplikacijami. Cilj te naloge je zasnovati, pripraviti in ovrednotiti takšno arhitekturo, ki bo zgotavljala varnost in zasebnost uporabnika in njegovih osebnih podatkov, ki se prenašajo med napravami ter razviti demonstracijsko aplikacijo na tej arhitekturi. V teoretičnem delu naloge se ukvarjamo z internetom stvari, arhitekturnimi osnovami in gradniki, začasnimi (ang. Ad Hoc) omrežji, zagotavljanju varnosti naprav in različnimi aplikacijskimi protokoli za internet stvari. Po študiji področja je določenih osem protokolov, ki so uporabni za tovrstne aplikacije, med katerimi je za najbolj primernega izbran protokol spletnih vtičnic (ang. WebSocket). Rešitev z uporabo WebSocket protokola, je predstavljena v praktičnem delu naloge. Predstavlja relativno novost, ko gre za komunikacijo med napravami in spletnimi aplikacijami, saj za delovanje ni potreben kompleksen spletni strežnik za zbiranje podatkov, ampak je dovolj posrednik (ang. broker), ki je enostaven program na strežniku. Namen posrednika je povezava naprav v aplikacijsko omrežje. Tovrstna arhitektura je tudi eden od primerov, ki omogoča zagotavljanje začasnih aplikacijskih omrežij, ki niso odvisni od kompleksne infrastrukture in temeljijo na enostavnem komunikacijskem protokolu ter so preproste za razvoj. Za demostracijo arhitekture razvijemo tri različne gradnike: posrednik, mikrokrmilniško napravo in spletno aplikacijo. Pri razvoju pa je bilo potrebno določiti tudi sporočilni protokol za komunikacijo naprav s posrednikom in med seboj. Koncept arhitekture in posrednik predstavljata osnovo, na kateri lahko v prihodnosti deluje katerikoli sistem, ki mora zagotavljati varnost in zasebnost.

Keywords:Internet stvari, posrednik, WebSocket, povezane naprave, ESP8266, JavaScript, varna komunikacija, zasebna komunikacija, omrežja, protokol, zvezdna arhitektura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109431 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2019
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Title:Development of a secure broker and efficient architecture for interconnecting Internet-of-Things with web applications
In this master thesis we present the development of architecture and application that enables secure and private communication of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and web applications. The aim of this thesis is to design, develop and evaluate an architecture that would allow users and their data complete security and privacy when using an application built on this architecture. In the theoretical part of this thesis we present Internet of Things, basic architecture and building blocks, Ad Hoc networks, IoT device security and different application layer protocols used in IoT. After the field introduction, eight protocols are explained that are used for these kinds of applications. WebSocket (WS) is chosen as the most appropriate. A solution using the WS protocol is presented in the practical part of this thesis. It represents a relatively new approach to using WebSocket protocol when connecting devices and applications, since there is no need for advanced server for data acquisition. The only thing needed is a simple broker that runs on any computer hardware as simple program, broker connects devices on this application network. This architecture is one that allows the workings of an Ad Hoc network and applications that do not require advanced network infrastructure and are also simple with regard to the development and communication. To demonstrate this architecture, we develop three devices: a broker, an IoT microcontroller device and an IoT Web application. For architecture to work properly a communication protocol needed to be developed, one that would work with the broker and between application devices themselves. This architecture concept and broker represent the backbone to any future system or application that requires security and privacy.

Keywords:Internet of Things, broker, WebSocket, connected devices, ESP8266, JavaScript, secure communication, private communication, networks, protocols, star architecture

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