
Vzpostavitev nizkotemperaturnega zgorevalnega procesa v motorju s kompresijskim vžigom
ID Bazjak, Rok (Author), ID Katrašnik, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je obravnavana problematika izpustov onesnažil motorjev s kompresijskim vžigom. Za potrebe raziskovalnih dejavnosti na področju zniževanja emisij z naprednim procesom zgorevanja je bil zasnovan nov polnilni zbiralnik, obenem pa sta bili na motorju izvedeni predelavi obstoječega polnilnega zbiralnika in gorivnega sistema. Nato se je z optimizacijo motorskih parametrov vzpostavilo nizkotemperaturno zgorevanje dizelskega goriva kot predstavnika visoko reaktivnih goriv in piroliznega olja iz odpadnih pnevmatik (angl. Tire pyrolysis oil – TPO) kot predstavnika nizko reaktivnih goriv. TPO predstavlja alternativno gorivo, ki bi lahko v specifičnih aplikacijah potencialno zamenjalo dizelsko gorivo. V diplomskem delu je pokazano, da se lahko vzpostavi zgorevanje delno homogenizirane delovne zmesi TPO in zraka brez dodatka aditivov ali mešanja z dizelskim gorivom. Hkrati je bilo dokazano, da se že z majhnimi spremembami v izvirni proizvajalčevi krmilni strategiji motorja pri zgorevanju dizelskega goriva lahko občutno zniža izpuste delcev in dušikovih oksidov z minimalnim vplivom na izkoristek motorja. Kljub temu pa znižanje izpustov onesnažil pri zgorevanju TPO ni bilo tako učinkovito kot pri dizelskem gorivu, saj ima pri tvorbi onesnažil pomembno vlogo celoten spekter lastnosti goriva. Rezultati dela tako podajajo osnovo za zasnovo krmilne strategije motorskih parametrov, ki omogoča poenostavitev zapletenih sistemov za naknadno obdelavo izpušnih plinov ob izpolnjevanju emisijskih norm.

Keywords:motorji s kompresijskim vžigom, nizkotemperaturno zgorevanje, zgorevanje delno homogenizirane delovne zmesi, pirolizno olje iz odpadnih pnevmatik, krmiljenje motorskih parametrov, izpusti onesnažil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Bazjak]
Number of pages:XXII, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109357 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16845339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Establishing a low-temperature combustion process in a compression-ignition engine
The thesis addresses the issue of pollutant emission from the compression ignition engines. To enable the research of pollutant emission reduction through advanced combustion process, a new intake manifold was designed. At the same time, existing intake manifold and fuel system were adapted. Afterwards, engine parameters were optimized to establish low-temperature combustion with a direct injection of diesel fuel being a representative of high reactivity fuels and tire pyrolysis oil (TPO) being a representative of low reactivity fuels. TPO is an alternative fuel that could potentially replace diesel fuel in specific applications. It is shown in the thesis, that partially premixed combustion of TPO can be established without the addition of additives or mixing with diesel fuel. When using diesel fuel, significant reduction of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides can be achieved by relatively small changes in engine control strategy. Moreover, it is demonstrated that partially premixed combustion of diesel fuel has a relatively small impact on engine efficiency. On the other hand, reduction in emissions of pollutants does not feature significant reduction of pollutant emissions when using TPO, as the entire spectrum of fuel properties – not just lower reactivity – has an important role in pollutant formation phenomena. Presented results that provide the basis for establishing proper engine control strategy allowing to simplify complicated exhaust gas aftertreatment systems while still complying with emission limits.

Keywords:compression ignition engines, low temperature combustion, partially premixed combustion, waste tire pirolysis oil, engine control pollutant emissions

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