
Pravni položaj delavcev, napotenih v okviru čezmejnega opravljanja storitev znotraj EU
ID Perko, Urška (Author), ID Tičar, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo “Pravni položaj delavcev, napotenih v okviru čezmejnega opravljanja storitev znotraj EU“ predstavi položaj napotenih delavcev od samega začetka pravnega urejanja tega področja. Osvetli problematiko in kršitve, ki so se pri izvrševanju predpisov pojavljale v praksi in skuša ugotoviti, ali je Evropska unija s svojimi regulativnimi posegi položaj napotenih delavcev izboljšala. Uvod obravnava družbene dejavnike, ki so vplivali na razvoj pravnega instituta čezmejnih napotitev delavcev znotraj EU in nadaljuje z ugotavljanjem obsega predmetnega pojava z uporabo dostopnih statističnih podatkov. Osrednji del je namenjen analizi delovnopravnih vidikov napotitev delavcev. Predstavi sistemske kršitve pravic delavcev skozi prizmo evropske zakonodaje in sodne prakse Sodišča EU. Obravnava tudi prenos evropskih predpisov, ki urejajo področje napotitev, v pravni red Republike Slovenije. V predzadnjem delu se naloga posveča regulativnim ukrepom EU za izboljšanje položaja napotenih delavcev. Magistrska diplomska naloga se zaključi z obravnavo položaja napotenih delavcev z vidika socialne varnosti.

Keywords:napoteni delavci, svoboda opravljanja storitev, trdno jedro minimalnih pravic delavcev, Direktiva 2014/67/EU, Zakon o čezmejnem izvajanju storitev, revizija Direktive 96/71/ES, Evropska komisija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109316 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16881233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Legal situation of workers, posted in the framework of the cross-border provision of services in the EU
The master's thesis “Legal situation of workers, posted in the framework of the cross-border provision of services in the EU” outlines the situation of posted workers from the beginning of the legal regulation of this area. It highlights the practical issues and infringements that have appeared with the enforcement of regulations and tries to determine whether the European Union has improved the situation of posted workers with its regulatory interventions. The introduction addresses the social factors that had an influence on the development of the law institute of the cross-border posting of workers in the EU and continues with identifying the scope of the subject by using the accessible statistical data. The central part analyses the labour law aspects of the posting of workers. It presents systemic violations of workers' rights through the prism of European legislation and case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. It also addresses the transposition of the European regulations governing the area of posting into the legal order of the Republic of Slovenia. In the penultimate part, the thesis focuses on the EU regulatory measures for improving the situation of posted workers. The master's thesis ends by addressing the situation of posted workers with regard to social security.

Keywords:posted workers, freedom to provide services, hard core of minimum workers' rights, Directive 2014/67/EU, Transnational Provision of Services Act, revision of Directive 2014/67/EU, European Commission.

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