
Vsakdanje življenje v študentskih domovih iz vidika osamosvajanja
ID Colja, Špela (Author), ID Švab, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem proces osamosvajanja mladih odraslih, pri čemer se specifično posvetim tistim, ki so v proces vključili življenje v študentskih domovih. Osamosvajanje mladih dandanes ne poteka več po tradicionalnih vzorcih, prihaja do pojava podaljševanja mladosti, ki je rezultat različnih družbenih in osebnostnih sprememb. Selitev od doma razumemo kot enega od korakov k osamosvojitvi, ki sem ga raziskovala skozi percepcijo mladih študentov. V teoretičnem delu naloge obravnavam pomembna področja obdobja prehoda v odraslost, družinske spremembe in medosebne odnose. Vsa tri področja so bila ključna pri raziskovanju obravnavanega problema. Empirični del temelji na kvalitativni raziskavi, s katero sem na osnovi analize intervjujev z mladimi posamezniki odkrivala vzorce osamosvajanja in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na proces osamosvajanja mladih. Intervjuvanci kot največjo oviro pri osamosvajanju izpostavijo finančni dejavnik, življenje v študentskih domovih in vključevanje v nove socialne mreže pa kot olajševalna dejavnika v tem prehodu.

Keywords:osamosvajanje, mladi odrasli, družina, medosebni odnosi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109315 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36383837 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Everyday life in student dormitories from the perspective of becoming independent
In the diploma thesis I research the process of young adults becoming independent, while I specifically focus on young adults, which have included life in student dormitories in this process. Nowadays, becoming independent does not follow traditional patterns and the phenomenon of prolonged youth is occurring, which is the result of different social and personal changes. I researched moving away from home, which we understand as one of the steps towards independence, through the perception of young university students. In the theoretical part of the thesis I discuss the important domains of the transition to adulthood, family changes and interpersonal relationships. All three domains were crucial in my research of the treated problem. The empirical part is based on qualitative research, on the analysis of the interviews with young individuals, with which I discovered the patterns in the process of becoming independent. The interviewees stress the financial factor as the biggest obstacle to becoming independent and point out the life in student homes and inclusion in new social connections as extenuating factors in this transition.

Keywords:becoming independent, young adults, family, interpersonal relationships

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