
Samoregulativno učenje pri vsebinah tehnike in tehnologije
ID Penov, Liza (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5887/ This link opens in a new window

V sedanji dobi lahko dostopamo do raznih podatkov zelo hitro in preprosto. Izziv pa je reševanje kompleksnejših problemov. Zato se tudi v šolstvu pogosteje poudarja pomen metakognitivnih strategij. Strmi se k temu, da bi učenec tekom šolanja čim bolje razvil veščine samoregulativnega učenja (SRU). Poznal naj bi torej različne pristope k učenju (učne strategije), imel pred seboj jasen cilj (kaj želi doseči z učenjem) in usmerjal svoj proces učenja do končnega cilja. Ker so avtorji različnih raziskav ugotovili, da odnos učencev do tehnike in tehnologije z leti upada in nekateri omenjajo, da so morda vzoroki za to ravno v slabi SRU, smo v magistrskem delu raziskovali prav to. Opisali smo torej področje SRU in predmet tehnike in tehnologije (TiT) ter odnos učencev do le-tega. Pripravili smo vprašalnik, s katerim smo merili veščine SRU in odnos do TiT. Vprašalnik so rešili učenci 6., 7. in 8. razredov, ki se udeležujejo tekmovanj na področju TiT ter ostali učenci. Tako smo primerjali rezultate glede na razdelitev v ti dve skupini, glede na razred in glede na spol. Največje razlike smo zaznali med skupinama učencev, ki se udeležujejo tekmovanj ter ostalih učencev. Razlike so se pokazale tako na področju veščin SRU, kot odnosa do TiT. Izkazalo se je torej, da imajo bolje razvito samoučinkovitost (zmeren učinek), bolj so notranje motivirani (zmeren učinek), srečujejo se z večjo testno anksioznostjo (šibek do zmeren učinek), bolj so vešči pri uporabi kognitivnih strategij (šibek do zmeren učinek) ter bolj so vešči v samoregulaciji (zmeren učinek). Poleg tega imajo večjo željo po šolanju na področju TiT in inženirstva (močan učinek), imajo večje zanimanje za TiT kot pa ostali učenci (močan učinek), imajo manjši odpor do TiT (zmeren učinek), bolj se zavedajo posledic in pomembnosti TiT (zmeren učinek), bolj so zadovoljni s TiT kot pa ostali učenci (zmeren učinek) ter bolj so zadovoljni s samim poukom (zmeren učinek). Tako lahko vidimo, da sta ti dve področji med seboj povezani. Zato smo na podlagi izhodiščne literature ter rezultatov razikave podali nekaj priporočil za izboljšanje obeh področij. Na kratko lahko omenimo, da je zelo pomembno, da se učitelj izobrazi o kultiviranju veščin SRU ter jih čim bolje vključi v pouk TiT. Glede na dano situacijo (učenci, problem, ostale okoliščine) naj izbere strategije in jih ne samo vpelje v pouk, temveč o njih poučuje tudi učence. To bo tudi pozitivno vplivalo na odnos učencev do TiT.

Keywords:tehnika in tehnologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109158 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12561737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Pupils' self-regulated learning of technology and engineering contents
Nowdays, we can access various information fast and easy. The real challenge lies in solving complex problems. Therefore there is more emphasis put on metacognitive strategies even in educational system. The aim is towards students developing the skills of selfregulative learning (SRL) during their active schooling period. They should know different approaches to learning (learning strategies), have set a clear goal (learning achievement), and direct their learning process until the final goal. Based on the findings of research papers of various authors, that students interest towards design and technology in recent years is on the descending curve, some are mentioning that the reasons lie in bad SRL, so in this paper we researched just that. We described the span of SRL, the subject of design and technology and the students attitude towards the latter. We set up a questionnarie, measuring the SRL skills and attitude towards design and technology. It was presented to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, who are participating in competitions in the design and technology field, as well as to others. In this way we made a comparative study of these two groups, grade and gender based. The largest gaps were between the group of students who participate in competitions and others. Differences came out in SRL skill set, as well as in attitude towards design and technology. It was clear that their self – efficiency is better developed (moderate effect), they have higher intrinsic value (moderate effect), they meet with higher test anxiety (weak to moderate effect), they are more skillful in self – regulation (moderate effect). Other than that, they have stronger technological career aspirations (strong effect), have higher interest in design and technology (strong effect), have lesser resilience towards design and technology (moderate effect), are more aware of the consequences and importance of design and technology (moderate effect), are more satisfied with design and technology than other students (moderate effect) and are more satisfied with the class itself (moderate effect). In this way we can see the interrelation of these two subjects. Based on the literature and on the research we therefore presented some guidelines for improvement of those two. Shortly, we can mention the importance of a qualified teacher who is educated in cultivation of SRL skills and is implementing them in design and technology classes as well as possible. According to the given situation (students, problem, other circumstances) he should choose the strategies, not just implementing them in class, but teach the students about them also. This will have a positive effect on the students attitude towards design and technology.

Keywords:design and technology

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