
ID ROŽEJ, DOLORES (Author), ID Todorovski, Ljupčo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dnevno smo priča porastu motornih vozil v cestnem prometu, pri čemer se povečuje tudi ogroženost varnosti vseh prometnih udeležencev. To kliče k nenehni skrbi za prometno varnost. Učinkovitost ukrepov prometne varnosti je odvisna predvsem od ravnanja udeležencev, pri čemer imajo ključno vlogo izobraževanje, usposabljanje, redno obnavljanje znanja in izvajanje varnostnih ukrepov države. Dolgoročni cilj vseh držav sveta je povečati varnost v prometu, to pa običajno pomeni, da se je problema najbolj smotrno lotiti v procesih izobraževanja na področju teoretičnega in praktičnega znanja prometnih predpisov. Zato sem se v okviru magistrske naloge odločila razviti učni pripomoček v obliki namizne igre, ki prometne udeležence vseh starosti spodbuja k osveževanju znanja cestnoprometnih predpisov. Empirični del naloge je tako temeljil na razvoju in analizi učinkov učnega pripomočka. Temeljni cilj analize je bil ugotoviti, ali bodo udeleženci z uporabo pripomočka izboljšali znanje cestnoprometnih predpisov. V ta namen so posamezniki, vključeni v vrednotenje učinkov pripomočka, reševali kratek test, sestavljen iz petnajstih vprašanj o cestnoprometnih predpisih. Povprečni delež pravilnih odgovorov udeležencev vrednotenja se je povečal z začetnih 50 % pred uporabo pripomočka na visokih 83 % po uporabi pripomočka. Slednji se je torej izkazal za učinkovito obliko neformalnega izobraževanja, saj so udeleženci raziskave svoje znanje obnovili in se določenih stvari naučili na novo. Zagotovo lahko učni pripomoček v obliki namizne igre dobro vpliva na splošno javnost in prometno varnost, saj je zanimiv za vse starostne skupine oseb. Prav tako ga lahko uporablja stroka tako na ravni države kot v zasebnem sektorju.

Keywords:cestnoprometni predpisi, cestni promet, prometna varnost, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, udeleženci, učni pripomoček
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109146 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2019
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Secondary language

The number of motor vehicles in road transport is increasing daily, which intensify the safety risks for all traffic participants. This calls for a constant concern regarding road-traffic safety. The effectiveness of safety measures depends primarily on the behavior of participants, with the key role of educating and training traffic participants, regular renewal of their knowledge as well as the implementation of national traffic safety policies. The long-term goal of the countries worldwide is to improve the transport safety; the problem being most rationally addressed by promoting education for improving the theoretical and practical knowledge of traffic regulations. To contribute to this, my thesis aims at developing an education tool that takes a form of a table game, which encourages traffic participants of all ages to refresh their knowledge of road traffic regulations. The empirical part of the thesis includes also an analysis of the effects of the use of the developed learning tool. The goal of the analysis is to determine whether the participants will improve their knowledge of road traffic regulations by using the learning tool. To this end, individuals included in the empirical evaluation have solved a short test that includes fifteen questions on road traffic regulations. The average proportion of the correct answers by the participants significantly increased from the initial 50% before using the learning tool to 83% after using it. The results show that the tool represent an effective form of non-formal education, as the participants of the research renewed their knowledge and learned certain issues. Certainly, the developed table game shows a potential for notable impact on the traffic safety, especially due to its appropriateness for different age groups. It can be used by the professionals in traffic education in both public and private sector.

Keywords:road traffic regulations, road transport, traffic safety, education, training, participants, learning aids

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