
Doživljanje psihosocialnih, čustvenih in partnerskih izzivov pri ženskah v neplodnih zvezah : diplomsko delo
ID Šerjak, Lucija (Author), ID Skubic, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Zmožnost reprodukcije je ena človekovih osnovnih nalog za ohranjanje vrste, vendar je hkrati starševstvo tudi duševno izpopolnjujoča izkušnja za par. Ko se ta neuspešno trudi spočeti otroka, to predstavlja čustvene in socialne pritiske za oba partnerja, saj je neplodnost edinstven medicinski ter širše gledano sociološki problem. Diagnoza neplodnosti hitro postane osrednji del posameznikove identitete, ob soočanju z njo ne trpi le posameznik, ampak so na preizkušnji tudi odnosi. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vpliv neplodnosti na vsakodnevno življenje para ter ugotoviti, kateri so izzivi na socialnem, čustvenem in partnerskem področju, ki jih doživljajo ženske v neplodnih zvezah, ter kako so ženske občutile odnose zdravstvenih delavcev med zdravljenjem. Metode dela: V prvem delu je bila uporabljena kvalitativna paradigma z deskriptivno metodo dela, kjer je bila pregledana strokovna literatura v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, iskana s pomočjo metaiskalnika DiKul ter podatkovnih baz PubMed, Cobiss, Science Direct in PubPsych. Tudi v drugem, empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena kvalitativna paradigma, kjer so bili izvedeni polstrukturirani intervjuji z ženskami v neplodnih partnerskih zvezah. Vzorec je bil izbran z namenskim vzorčenjem po metodi snežne kepe. Rezultati: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 6 žensk iz različnih delov Slovenije, ki imajo izkušnjo neplodnosti v partnerski zvezi. V družbi ženske občutijo stigmatizacijo, ker je neplodnost še vedno tabuizirana tema. Poleg tega se soočajo z veliko različnimi negativnimi čustvenimi odzivi. Ker diagnoza neplodnosti prežema vsakodnevno življenje ženske, to večinoma negativno vpliva tudi na partnerski odnos. Z medicinsko obravnavo je večina zadovoljna, manjka le več psihološke in čustvene podpore. Razprava in zaključek: Neplodni pari se vsakodnevno srečujejo z najrazličnejšimi izzivi, ki izvirajo iz družbe, partnerskega odnosa ali osebnih občutkov. Od zdravstvenih delavcev pričakujejo bolj celostno obravnavo, ki bi vključevala tudi več čustvene opore in jim pomagala pri lažjem sprejemanju diagnoze.

Keywords:neplodnost, doživljanje ženske, vsakodnevni izzivi, obravnava neplodnih parov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109130 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5671275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The experience of psychosocial, emotional and partnership challenges by women in infertile relationships : diploma thesis
Introduction: Being able to reproduce is one of the basic tasks for the continuation of our species, but at the same time parenting also represents a mentally fulfilling experience for the couple. When a couple is trying to conceive a child unsuccessfully, they face enormous emotional and social pressure, since infertility represents a unique medical and sociological problem. The diagnosis of infertility can quickly become a central part of one’s identity and facing it brings suffering not only to the individual, but it tests the relationships as well. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the impact of infertility on the daily life of the couple and to find out what are the challenges in the social, emotional and partnership fields experienced by women in infertile relationships and how they perceived the relationships of health professionals during their treatment. Methods: In the first part, a qualitative paradigm was used combined with a descriptive method of work, through which the professional literature in Slovenian and English language was searched with the help of the DiKul meta-analyser and the PubMed, Cobiss, Science Direct and PubPsych databases. In the second, empirical part, a qualitative paradigm was also used to perform a semi-structured interview with women in infertile relationships. The sample was selected through purposive sampling of the snowball method. Results: The study included six women from different parts of Slovenia experiencing infertility in partner relationships. In society, women feel stigmatized because infertility still represents a taboo topic. Moreover, they face many different negative emotional responses. Since the diagnosis of infertility is very much present in the daily life of a woman, it also negatively affects the partner relationship. Discussion and conclusion: Infertile couples face a variety of challenges arising from society, partnership, or personal feelings daily. Healthcare professionals are expected to give more comprehensive treatment, including more emotional support to help infertile couples embrace the diagnosis in an easier way.

Keywords:infertility, woman's experience, everyday struggles, infertile couples’ treatment

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