
Vloga socialnega dela v fazi prehoda iz visokošolskega izobraževanja v zaposlovanje
ID Januška, Tesa (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala pomen in vlogo socialnega dela pri prehodu mladih iz visokošolskega izobraževanja v zaposlovanje. Ta prehod je med pomembnejšimi, saj uspešen prehod v zaposlitev zagotavlja večjo mero samostojnosti. Zanimalo me je, kakšno je trenutno stanje v družbi za mlade, kakšno je njihovo poznavanje pravic tik pred prehodom in na kakšen način je ali bi lahko bilo na tem prehodu uporabno socialno delo. Izvedla sem kombinirano raziskavo. V kvantitativnem delu sem izvedla anketo na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu študentske populacije, ki je pred zaključkom študija. V kvalitativnem delu pa sem opravila intervjuje z dvema socialnima delavcema iz centra za socialno delo in iz Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje. Posebno pozornost sem namenila Sindikatu Mladi plus, kjer sem tudi izvedla intervju s predstavnico. Rezultati so pokazali, da študentski status ponuja veliko ugodnosti, a poleg študija je študentsko delo nujno, če ima študent malo finančnih sredstev. Če oziroma kadar se študent znajde v stiski, mu družina predstavlja prvi in najzanesljivejši vir pomoči. Po prehodu iz izobraževanja si zaradi trenutne stanovanjske problematike težko privošči stanovanje. Prehod na trg dela najprej opravi s prijavo na ZRSZ, kjer ima možnosti koriščenja posebnih ukrepov iz aktivne politike zaposlovanja. A trenutno na trgu dela prevladujejo prekarne oblike zaposlitev, ki ne nudijo varnosti, ki jo mlada oseba potrebuje za uspešno osamosvojitev. Socialno delo je prisotno, a zaradi splošne neinformiranosti glede sistema ni preveč opazno. Kot pomemben in potencialen akter v spreminjanju družbenega položaja mladih je Sindikat Mladi plus, ki bi lahko uvedel splošno informiranje znotraj izobraževalnega sistema.

Keywords:mladi, študentski status, zaposlitev, prekarnost, socialno delo.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109109 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of Social Work in the Transition Phase from Higher Education to Employment
In the graduation thesis I researched the importance and the role of social work in the transition phase of young people from higher education to employment. This transition is one of the most important ones, because a successful transition to employment ensures a greater degree of independence. I was interested in the state of current social situation for young people, what kind of knowledge of the rights they have just before the transition, and how social work is or could be useful in this transition. I carried out a mixed methods research. In the quantitative part, I conducted a survey based on a non-probability convenient sample of the student population that is just before the completion of the studies. And in the qualitative part, I interviewed two social workers from the Social Work Centre and the Employment Service of Slovenia. I paid special attention to trade union Mladi plus ('Youth Plus'), where I interviewed the representative. The results showed that student status offers many benefits but if students do not have enough financial resources, student work is necessary besides studying. If or when students find themselves in distress, their families are the first and most reliable source of help. After transitioning from education, it is very difficult for students to afford an apartment because of the current housing problems. When transitioning to the labour market, they first apply to the Employment Service of Slovenia, where they can use special measures from the active labour market policy. Currently, however, the precarious forms of employment prevail in the labour market and they do not offer security which a young person needs for successful independence. Social work is present but because of the general lack of information about the system, it is not too noticeable. Trade union Mladi plus potentially plays an important role in changing the social situation of young people because it could introduce general information within the education system.

Keywords:young people, student status, employment, precarious work, social work

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