
Učenje angleškega jezika v predšolskem obdobju s pomočjo lutke
ID Vadeevaloo, Irena (Author), ID Korošec, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5878/ This link opens in a new window

Učenje tujega jezika je v današnjem času izrednega pomena. Živimo namreč v času pogostih migracij v tujino, in sicer v obliki potovanj, krajše odsotnosti zaradi izobraževanja ali stalne odselitve v drugo državo. Biti vešč pogovora v različnih jezikih otrokom nudi več možnosti za razumevanje drugih, za reševanje morebitnih konfliktov ter medsebojnega sodelovanja. V Sloveniji poteka učenje tujih jezikov v različnih oblikah, otroci pa se jih radi učijo, če so jim ta predstavljen preko tem, ki jih zanimajo. Otroci se dobro odzivajo na lutko in jo običajno radi sprejmejo za partnerja pri igri, ki ga oponašajo, zato je učinkovito sredstvo pri učenju tujega jezika. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem se poglobila v literaturo in raziskala pomen gibalnih dejavnosti in igre na otrokov razvoj, razvoj govora ter učenje angleškega jezika v predšolskem obdobju. K igri sodijo tudi gledališče, animacija in uporaba različnih lutk. Opisala sem različne vrste lutk in dramskega prostora, ter poudarila čarobno moč lutke, ko ji lutkar vdihne življenje in jo pripravi do gibanja. Opredelila sem pomen lutke pri učenju tujega jezika v predšolskem obdobju. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem izvedla raziskavo, pri kateri sem želela s pomočjo angleško govoreče lutke dokazati interes otrok za učenje tujega jezika, ugotoviti, ali uporaba lutke s spontanimi in načrtnimi dejavnostmi omogoča razumevanje preprostih besed in navodil v angleškem jeziku in ali spodbuja uporabo preprostih besednih zvez v angleškem jeziku. Raziskati sem želela, kakšna je vloga lutke pri komunikaciji v angleškem jeziku. V raziskavi je sodelovala skupina otrok v oddelku zasebnega vrtca., pri čemer je najbolj aktivno sodelovalo 6 najstarejših otrok, starih od 1,5 let do 3 let. Lutka je pri izvedbi dejavnosti ves čas govorila v angleškem jeziku in se vključevala v samostojno igro otrok, hkrati pa je sodelovala pri načrtovanih dejavnostih glede na tematski sklop in spodbujala otroke pri usvajanju in uporabi določenih besed v angleškem jeziku. Otroci so lutko hitro sprejeli medse in se odzivali na njeno aktivno delovanje v skupini. Z jo so želeli vstopiti v interakcijo, zato so kmalu pričeli s komunikacijo; tako neverbalno kot verbalno. Kmalu so začeli posnemati besede v angleškem jeziku, ki jih je uporabljala, ali pa besede, ki sem jih z njo spregovorila jaz. Raziskava je pokazala, da otroci v predšolskem obdobju kažejo interes za učenje tujega jezika, da uporaba lutke z različnimi dejavnostmi omogoča razumevanje preprostih besed in navodil v angleškem jeziku in njihovo uporabo, ter da lutka motivira otroke, stare okoli treh let za komunikacijo v angleškem jeziku.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109057 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12554057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The use of puppet in teaching English in preschool education
We live in times when it’s quite important to learn foreign languages. Those are the times of frequent migrations of going on holidays and studying or permanently moving to other countries. Being able to communicate in different languages gives children an opportunity to understand others, to solve problems and to work together with others. There are different ways of learning foreign languages in Slovenia and children like to learn them, especially when they are introduced to them through topics which are in their interest. A puppet is an effective tool to learn a foreign language, as children normally respond to it very well and they like to copy its behaviour. In the theoretical part of my dissertation I did a research about the effect of physical activities and playing on children’s development and learning English language in preschool. Children’s play also involves theatre, animation and use of different kind of puppets. I described different types of puppets and drama space and stressed out the magic power of the puppet when the puppeteer gives it life and makes it move. I also defined the meaning of the puppet in learning a foreign language in preschool. In the empirical part of the dissertation I did a research with the English-speaking puppet to find out if the use of puppet enables understanding of simple words and directions in English and if it encourages the use of simple English words. Also, I wanted to find out the meaning of the puppet in communication in English language. There was a group of children who are attending the private day nursery involved in the research. The most involved in the activities were 6 children, aged between 1,5 and 3. The puppet was speaking English at all times while carrying out the activities for 6 months. It got involved in children’s free play and also in planned themed activities, during which it was encouraging children to learn and use certain words in English language. The children accepted the Puppet as a part of the group very quickly and they responded to its activities in the group. They started to use verbal as well as non-verbal communication as they wanted to get into interaction with her. Soon, older children started to use simple words in English language. The research has shown that preschool children show interest in learning foreign languages, the use of puppet in different activities enables them to understand simple words and directions in English language and to use them. The research has also shown that the use of the Puppet encourages children who are approximately three years old to communicate in English language.


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