
Prednosti uporabe ustvarjalnega pisanja pri pouku angleščine in francoščine kot tujih jezikov
ID Trinajstić, Mateja (Author), ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lah, Meta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B873048ABADD5E39F5F6D139F119C1F4

Glavni namen pričujoče magistrske naloge je proučiti prednosti ustvarjalnega pisanja pri poučevanju angleščine in francoščine kot tujih jezikov ter raziskati, kakšne so pisne naloge v učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih za poučevanje angleščine in francoščine kot tujih jezikov na ravneh A2/B1 in B2. Teoretični del naloge najprej obravnava pisanje, ki je vsestranska in dolgotrajna dejavnost, saj običajno zahteva predhodne dejavnosti, kot je denimo raziskovanje teme pisanja ali vsaj razmišljanje o njej. Teoretični del govori tudi o tem, kako se učenci tujih jezikov učijo pisati. Na začetku vadijo pisanje s pomočjo vodenih nalog, ki sčasoma postajajo vedno manj vodene, ko pa dosežejo višjo stopnjo znanja jezika, lahko ustvarjajo tudi prosta besedila. V teoretičnem delu sta obravnavana tudi ustvarjalnost in ustvarjalno pisanje. Slednje je pomembno pri poučevanju tujih jezikov, saj ne samo da učencem pomaga na zanimiv način vaditi ciljni jezik, ampak pomaga tudi pri razvijanju ustvarjalnosti in domišljije učencev. V empiričnem delu naloge so predstavljene analize angleških in francoskih učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov, ki so pokazale, da učbeniki in delovni zvezki na ravni A2/B1 običajno vsebujejo vse tri tipe nalog, medtem ko tisti na ravni B2 poleg vodenih nalog vključujejo tudi nekaj nalog prostega pisanja. Naloge ustvarjalnega pisanja lahko najdemo na obeh ravneh, toda število in tipi nalog ustvarjalnega pisanja se razlikujejo glede na učbenike in stopnje.

Keywords:Ključne besede: pisanje, vodene pisne naloge, proste pisne naloge, ustvarjalnost, ustvarjalno pisanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108940 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Benefits of Using Creative Writing in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) and FFL (French as a Foreign Language) Classrooms
The main purpose of this MA thesis is to look into the advantages of creative writing activities in teaching English and French as foreign languages and to find out how often these activities occur in student's books and activity books for teaching English and French as foreign languages on the pre-intermediate (A2/B1) and the upper-intermediate (B2) levels. Hence, the theoretical part of the thesis initially discusses writing, a complex and time-consuming activity that usually requires pre-writing processes such as researching the topic of writing or at least thinking about it. It also discusses how foreign language learners learn how to write: firstly, they practise writing through controlled writing activities, after which they move to less guided writing activities. When they reach higher levels of language knowledge, they are able to produce free writing texts as well. The theoretical part then deals with creativity and creative writing. Creative writing is an important part of foreign language teaching because it not only helps students practise their target language in an interesting way but it also helps develop the learners' creativity and imagination. The empirical part of the thesis presents the English and French student's and activity books analyses which showed that student's and activity books on the pre-intermediate level usually contain all types of writing activities, while those on the upper-intermediate level, apart from guided writing activities, contain some free writing activities as well. Creative writing activities can be found on both levels, but their quantity and types vary according to coursebooks and levels.

Keywords:Key words: writing, controlled writing activities, guided writing activities, free writing activities, creativity, creative writing

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