
Opredelitev skoraj nič-energijske stavbe v EU in ZDA
ID Pirc, Jan (Author), ID Prek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi neprestanega večanja rabe energije se že poznajo vplivi na okolje. Ker stavbe porabijo velik del vse proizvedene energije, je tukaj še ogromno prostora za zmanjšanje potreb po energiji. Glavna ideja nizkoenergijske hiše je, da je osnovana tako, da porabi čim manj energije in je opremljena s sodobnimi tehnologijami tako, da v čim večji meri sama pokriva potrebe po energiji za dosego postavljenih standardov. V zaključni nalogi bomo opredelili različne vrste nizkoenergijskih stavb glede na količino porabljene energije ter različen kontinent (EU in ZDA). Definicije se med različnimi državami ali kontinenti ne razlikujejo bistveno, res pa je, da se je vsaka država tega lotila malo drugače. Pomembno je tudi, da investicijski stroški niso previsoki in da se naložba v določenem času povrne. Vrednotenje nizkoenergijskih stavb, kompleksov ali sosesk je kompleksen proces in pušča še mnoga vprašanja za prihodnost, saj še ne obstaja neki enoznačen sistem za upoštevanje neobnovljive energije.

Keywords:skoraj nič-energijske stavbe, energijska bilanca, obnovljivi viri, tehnični sistemi, učinkovitost, neto nič-energijske stavbe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108928 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.08.2019
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Title:Defining nearly zero-energy buildings in the EU and USA
Due to constant increase in energy consumption, impacts on the environment are already showing. Since buildings consume a large part of all energy produced, there is a huge need for reducing energy demands. The main idea behind a low-energy house is that it is designed to consume as little energy as possible and is equipped with modern technologies in such a way that it covers most of its energy needs to meet the set standards. In the final thesis, we will define different types of low-energy buildings in regard to amount of consumed energy and different continent (the EU and the USA). Definitions between different countries or continents do not differ significantly, but it is true that every country has its own characteristics. It is also important that the investment costs are not too high and that the input is repaid within a certain period. Evaluation of low-energy buildings, complexes or neighborhoods is a complicated process and leaves many unanswered questions for the future, as there is no common system for evaluation of non-renewable energy.

Keywords:nearly zero-energy buildings, energy balance, renewable resources, technical systems, efficiency, net zero-energy building

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