
analiza taktičnih prebojev 14. nemške armade
ID Šolar, Matevž (Author), ID Prebilič, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Torkar, Blaž (Comentor)

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Pred več kot stotimi leti je svet zajela I. svetovna vojna, ki je velik pečat pustila tudi na slovenskih tleh. Boji med Italijo in Avstro-ogrsko v Posočju so trajali od maja 1915 do oktobra leta 1917. Na Soški fronti se je zvrstilo dvanajst bitk in prav zadnja je bila še posebej odmevna. V vseh predhodnih bitkah so Italijani izvajali ofenzive, Avstro-ogrska pa se je branila. V 12. soški bitki je bila situacija ravno obratna. Avstro-ogrska je načrtovala ofenzivo, za katero so za pomoč zaprosili tudi Nemčijo. Na novo je bila oblikovana 14. nemška armada, ki je bila sestavljena tako iz nemških, kot tudi avstro-ogrskih enot. Oboji, še posebej pa nemške enote, so se na bitko do potankosti pripravili in jo tudi zelo uspešno izvedli. Še posebej se je v praksi uveljavil koncept Auftragstaktik-Poveljevanje s poslanstvom, katerega so nemške enote do podrobnosti izpopolnile in uporabile prav v zadnji bitki na Soči. Položaj napadalcev pred začetkom ofenzive je bil zelo težaven oziroma skoraj nemogoč. Kljub vsem okoliščinam, jim je z izjemno taktiko uspelo prebiti italijanske obrambne linije in prodreti globoko v sovražnikovo zaledje. To kar je uspelo nemškim in avstro-ogrskim enotam je danes znano tudi, kot Čudež pri Kobaridu.

Keywords:1. svetovna vojna, 12. soška bitka, 14. nemška armada, preboj, Poveljevanje s poslanstvom.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108925 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36361821 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:analysis of tactical breakthrough of the 14th German Army
Over one hundred years ago the World War I started, which also affected the Slovenian territory. The warfare between Italy and Austria-Hungary in Isonzo river valley started in May 1915, and lasted till autumn of 1917. There were twelve battles of Isonzo front over these years and the last one was extra special. In all previous battles, Italy was the one that was attacking and Austria-Hungary was defending. In the twelve battle of Isonzo the situation changed. Austria-Hungary was planning to make an offensive, in which they asked Germany for help. Later they formed 14th German Army, which was composed of German and Austrian units. Both of them but especially German units were really well prepared, therefore, they successfully fought in the battle. There was one theory which results well into practice, known as the concept Auftragstaktik-Mission command which one was in the last battle of Isonzo, improved and well implemented by Germans. The situation before the battle was really difficult or maybe quite impossible for the attackers. However they manage to breakthrough the frontline and penetrate far to the enemy backing. This achievement of Germans and Austro-Hungarians is also known as miracle of Kobarid.

Keywords:I. World War, 12th Battle of Isonzo, 14th German Army, breakthrough, Mission command.

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