
Zbirka diapozitivov Izidorja Cankarja kot dediščina
ID Gostiša, Domen (Author), ID Mahnič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna seminarska naloga se ukvarja z zbirko diapozitivov, ki jo je Izidor Cankar, prvi profesor umetnostne zgodovine na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, uporabljal pri svojih predavanjih. Ko so diapozitivi s tehnološkega vidika postali zastareli, so profesorji umetnostne zgodovine začeli uporabljati novejše diapozitive, danes pa uporabljajo digitalne fotografije. Kljub temu da se diapozitivi niso več uporabljali, jih je Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino hranil in tudi danes še danes hrani eno škatlo s Cankarjevimi diapozitivi, druge škatle Cankarjevih diapozitivov pa je zaradi prostorske stiske Oddelek predal v hranjenje Moderni galeriji. Izidor Cankar (1886–1958) je kot docent začel predavati leta 1920 (leta 1923 je postal izredni profesor, leta 1928 pa redni), šestnajst let kasneje, leta 1936, pa je zapustil fakulteto in nastopil diplomatsko službo. V študijskem letu 1919/1920 se je odpravil na Dunaj, kjer je; tudi ob nasvetih nekdanjega profesorja Maxa Dvořaka, ki je delo svojih nekdanjih učencev skrbno spremljal; pripravljal program študija in poskrbel za nakup knjig. Poleg tega je na Dunaju kupil tudi 2000 diapozitivov in skioptikon za njihovo predvajanje. Cankarjeva zbirka je pred letom 1926 štela 2492 enot. Časovni okvir umetnin, ki jim je Cankar dal prednost, sega od antike do 19. stoletja, geografsko pa se umetnine navezujejo na Evropo. Cankar je svojo zbirko vseskozi dopolnjeval. Kako se je zbirka večala v njegovem šestnajstletnem delu na Oddelku za umetnostno zgodovino, lahko zaradi vrzeli v evidenci v inventarni knjigi le ugibamo. Cankarjevi diapozitivi so prepotovali pot od uporabnega predmeta do predmeta dediščine, ki ga ohranjamo, raziskujemo in varujemo zaradi njegovega posebnega pomena, ker so njegovi diapozitivi predmeti iz preteklosti in imajo zato zgodovinsko vrednost. Govorijo o preteklosti, pripovedujejo zgodbo o začetkih poučevanja umetnostne zgodovine na Slovenskem, poleg tega pa so tudi pričevalci tega, kako so nekatere zgradbe in druga umetniška dela izgledali nekoč.

Keywords:Izidor Cankar, fotografija, muzealizacija, dediščina, arhiv.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108908 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.08.2019
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Title:Izidor Cankar's collection of diapositives as heritage
The subject of this final paper is the collection of the diapositives that Izidor Cankar, the first professor of art history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, used for his lectures. When these diapositives become obsolete from the technological point of view, art history professors started using newer diapositives, while digital photos are used today. Although Cankar's diapositives were no longer in use, the Department of Art History saved them. It still keeps one box of his diapositives, while other boxes with his diapositives were put into storage in the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana due to lack of space. Izidor Cankar (1886–1958) started giving lectures as an assistant professor in 1920; he became an associate professor in 1923 and a full professor in 1928. Sixteen years later, in 1936, he left the Faculty to pursue a career in diplomacy. In the academic year 1919/1920, he went to Vienna and, in getting advice from his former professor Max Dvořak, who closely followed the work of his former students, he prepared the study programme and took care of the purchase of books. He also bought two thousand diapositives and – in order to be able to show them - a sciopticon. By 1926, Cankar's collection consisted of 2492 items. Cankar gave priority to the artworks that range from the antiquity to the 19th century and have their focus in Europe. His collection was constantly enriched. However, due to a gap in the records of the inventory, it can only be speculated how it expanded in his 16-year-long tenure at the Department of Art History. Cankar's diapositives travelled the path from useful objects to objects of heritage that are kept, researched and saved for their special meaning. His diapositives are objects from the past and as such hold a historical value. They speak of the past, narrate the story about the beginnings of art history teaching in the area of today's Slovenia and bear witness to what certain buildings and artworks looked like in the past.

Keywords:Izidor Cankar, photography, musealisation, heritage, archive.

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