
Stališča osnovnošolcev do krastače, močerada, zelene žabe in človeške ribice
ID Kralj, Sabina (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vse pogosteje se srečujemo z negativnimi posledicami prekomernega poseganja človeka v naravo. Eno najbolj ogroženih taksonov na svetu predstavljajo dvoživke, do katerih imajo učenci pogosto negativna stališča. Skozi našo raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšna stališča imajo osnovnošolci do krastače, močerada, zelene žabe in človeške ribice. Naša ciljna skupina so bili učenci od 5. do 9. razreda osnovne šole. Za takšen vzorec smo se odločili, ker nas je zanimalo trenutno stanje v slovenskih šolah, predvsem odnos posameznih generacij do dvoživk in pogostost tematike dvoživk pri pouku naravoslovja in biologije. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili tehniko ocenjevalne lestvice stališč v obliki petstopenjske Likertove lestvice. Sočasno smo s preizkusom znanja preverili njihovo splošno znanje o živalih. Raziskava je pokazala, da na oblikovanje stališč vplivajo različni dejavniki. Med najpomembnejšimi dejavniki so predhodna izkušnja z dvoživko, starost učencev in spol. Sledita jim pogostost obiskovanja narave in znanje. Iz naše raziskave je razvidno, da na oblikovanje stališč najmanj vpliva kraj bivanja učencev. Rezultati raziskave bodo lahko v pomoč učiteljem pri načrtovanju pouka naravoslovja in biologije. Učni načrti sicer vsebujejo učne vsebine, ki vključujejo dvoživke, vendar opažamo, da je premajhen poudarek na njihovem varovanju. Z oblikovanjem pozitivnih stališč se poveča tudi zavedanje o njihovi vlogi v naravi in pomembnosti ohranitve posameznih vrst.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108878 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12546121 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Elementary school students' attitudes towards the toad, salamander, edible frog and olm
We are increasingly more often seeing the negative consequences of excessive human interference in nature. One of the most endangered taxa in the world are amphibians, toward which students usually have negative attitudes. Through our research we wanted to discover the attitudes of primary school students about the toad, the salamander, the green frog and the olm. Our target group were students from grades 5 to 9 of the primary school. We decided for a sample of this kind because we were interested in the current state in Slovenian schools, particularly in the relationship that individual generations have towards amphibians and how often the amphibians are present as the theme of lectures in natural sciences and biology. The technique, which was used in our research, was the evaluation scale of opinions in the form of a five-level Likert scale. At the same time, we tested the students’ general knowledge about animals. The research showed that different factors influence the formation of students’ attitudes. Most important factors are student’s previous experience with amphibians, their age and the gender, followed by the frequency of visits to the nature and the student’s knowledge. Our research shows that formation of attitudes is least affected by the place of residence of a student. The results of the research can be of help to teachers in planning the lectures in nature sciences and biology. Although the curricula include teaching contents which include amphibians, we noticed that there is not enough emphasis on their protection. By shaping positive opinions, the awareness about their role in the nature and the importance of preservation of individual species will be increased as well.


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