
Tehnike sproščanja kot način spoprijemanja s stresom pri vzgojiteljih predšolskih otrok
ID Pucelj, Sandra (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5854/ This link opens in a new window

V današnjem hitrem načinu življenja je stres del našega vsakdanjika, tako v zasebnem kot tudi v poklicnem življenju. Poklic vzgojitelja predšolskih otrok velja za enega bolj stresnih poklicev. Dolgotrajna izpostavljenost stresu na delovnem mestu lahko privede do izčrpanosti in izgorelosti, ki se kaže tako na psihičnem kot tudi na fizičnem področju ter negativno vpliva na naše delo. Pomembno je, da se naučimo stres zmanjševati, ga obvladovati ter nadzorovati naše odzive nanj. Eden od učinkovitih načinov spoprijemanja s stresom so tudi tehnike sproščanja. Pomagajo nam, da se bolje zavedamo sebe, svojih čustev in misli ter se posledično lažje umirimo, smo bolj prisotni v sedanjem trenutku ter tako lažje obvladujemo izzive vsakdanjega življenja. Diplomsko delo obravnava tehnike sproščanja kot učinkovit način spoprijemanja s stresom pri vzgojiteljih predšolskih otrok. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem opredelila stres, vzroke in posledice stresa ter načine obvladovanja in preprečevanja stresa. V nadaljevanju sem opredelila sprostitev, pomen ter učinke sproščanja. Poudarila in opisala sem sproščanje ter tehnike sproščanja kot enega izmed učinkovitih načinov za spoprijemanje s stresom na delovnem mestu vzgojitelja predšolskih otrok. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem raziskovala, ali vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok poznajo in uporabljajo tehnike sproščanja kot način spoprijemanja s stresom, kako ocenjujejo njihovo učinkovitost ter kakšne učinke ima uporaba tehnik sproščanja na njihovo delo v skupini otrok. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 75 vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok iz Osrednjeslovenske regije. Rezultati so pokazali, da tehnike sproščanja kot način zmanjševanja oz. spoprijemanja s stresom na delovnem mestu uporablja manj kot polovica vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok, medtem ko jih več kot polovica tehnik sproščanja ne uporablja. Anketirani vzgojitelji najpogosteje izvajajo dihalne vaje, meditacijo ter jogo. Ostale tehnike sproščanja so vzgojiteljem manj poznane in posledično tudi manj uporabljene. Vzgojitelji, ki uporabljajo tehnike sproščanja, so le-te ocenili kot učinkovit način zmanjševanja stresa na delovnem mestu, kar jim pomaga do večje sproščenosti in mirnosti ter pripomore do več energije in boljšega počutja.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108831 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12518217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Relaxation techniques as a way of preschool teachers coping with stress
: In today's fast-paced lifestyle, stress is a part of our everyday life, both in private as well as in professional life. The job of preschool teacher is considered as one of the most stressful ones. Long-term exposure to stress in workplace can lead to exhaustion and burnout, which is reflected in both psychological and physical areas of our life and has a negative impact on our work. It is important to learn how to reduce stress, how to cope with it and how to control our responses to stress. By using relaxation techniques one can deal with stress effectively. They make us aware of ourselves, our feelings and thoughts. Further on they help us calm down, we become aware of the present moment and they make it easier to handle challenges of everyday life. The diploma thesis deals with relaxation techniques as an effective way of preschool teachers coping with stress. In the theoretical part of the thesis I defined stress, reasons and consequences of stress and ways of coping and preventing stress. Further on I defined relaxation, the meaning and effects of relaxation. I described relaxation and relaxation techniques as one of the effective ways of dealing with stress for preschool teachers. In the empirical part of the thesis I wanted to find out whether preschool teachers know and use relaxation techniques as a way to cope with stress, how they evaluate their effectiveness, and what impact the use of relaxation techniques have on their work with children. There were 75 preschool teachers from the central part of Slovenia involved in the research. The results showed that less than half of preschool teachers use relaxation techniques as a way to reduce and cope with stress at work, while more than half of them do not use them. Most of preschool teachers involved in the research use breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. Other relaxation techniques are less known to them and consequently less used. Preschool teachers who use relaxation techniques described them as an effective way of reducing stress at work, which helps them to become more relaxed and calm and contribute to more energy and better wellbeing.


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