
Razvijanje prostora kot element plesa pri otrocih, starih 1-2 let
ID Spruk, Nika (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5850/ This link opens in a new window

Otroci se ob plesu začenjajo zavedati svojega telesa, časa in prostora. Ples je pomemben za njihov psihomotorični, spoznavni in čustveno-socialni razvoj. Med spretnosti psihomotoričnega razvoja spada tudi zavedanje prostora. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila ples in ustvarjalni gib. Predstavila sem pogled na ples iz Kurikuluma za vrtce in zapisala cilje, ki jih s plesom uresničujemo. Opredelila sem plesno vzgojo in navedla njene oblike ter metode. Predstavila sem vlogo odraslih pri izvajanju plesnih dejavnosti. Opisala sem gibalni in plesni razvoj otroka v prvem starostnem obdobju in poudarila pomen plesa ter ustvarjalnega giba za njegov razvoj. Predstavila sem elemente plesa in se osredinila na prostor. Na koncu sem zapisala pomen in vrste plesnih spodbud. V empiričnem delu je predstavljenih osem plesno-gibalnih dejavnosti. Projekt sem izvajala v vrtcu, in sicer v oddelku otrok, starih 1–2 let. Z različnimi zunanjimi spodbudami sem jim omogočila samostojno raziskovanje prostora kot elementa plesa. Spremljala sem odzive otrok in jih po potrebi usmerila. S projektom sem želela raziskati, kako razvijati prostor kot element plesa pri otrocih, starih 1–2 let, preveriti, kako se otroci odzivajo na plesne dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo razvijanje prostora kot elementa plesa ter izbrati primerne plesne spodbude. Za vsako dejavnost sem zapisala cilje, potek dejavnosti in evalvacijo. Za večjo nazornost sem dodala fotografije. Odzivi otrok so bili pozitivni, dejavnosti so jih pritegnile in jim omogočile usvajanje prostora. Sodelovali so prav vsi otroci.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108827 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12516681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Space development as an element of dance for children aged 1–2 years
Through dancing, children become aware of their bodies, time and space. Dancing is important for their psychomotor, cognitive and social-emotional development. Spatial perception is one of the psychomotor abilities. In the theoretical part, we define dancing and creative movement. We present dancing from the point of view of the Kindergarten Curriculum and list some goals that can be achieved with dancing. Furthermore, we introduce the term dance education, its forms and methods, and present the role of adults in performing dance activities. We describe the development of movement and dance in toddlers and emphasize the importance of dance and creative movement for their development. Also, dance elements and spatial perception are discussed. In the end, we write down the various ways children can be encouraged to dance and how important these encouragements are. The empirical part includes eight dance-movement activities. We performed our project in the kindergarten group with children aged 1–2. Using different external ways of encouragement, we enabled the children to independently explore spatial perception as a dance element. We observed the children’s reactions and provided guidance. The aim of the project was to study how to develop spatial perception as a dance element in children aged 1–2, as well as analyse how the children react to dance activities that encourage the development of spatial perception as a dance element and how to select the appropriate encouragement for dancing. For each activity, we provided goals, described the course of the activities and included an evaluation and photographs for extra clarification. All children participated, and their reactions were positive, even more, they found the activities which enabled them to further develop their spatial perception appealing.


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