
Splet in umetnostni trg – Pojav spleta in njegov vpliv na tržne smernice v tujini ter stanje v Sloveniji
ID Fortič Jakopič, Tina (Author), ID Žerovc, Beti (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava spletni trg umetnin sodobne likovne umetnosti. Preko kratkega zgodovinskega pregleda osvetljuje razvoj zahodnega trga umetnin in spreminjanje vlog posameznih tržnih deležnikov v različnih obdobjih, prevprašuje pojmovanje umetnine kot tržnega blaga in obravnava določanje njene vrednosti. Ob koncu 20. stoletja je umetnostni trg doživel večje spremembe, ki so jim botrovali družbeni in politični premiki ter informacijska revolucija. V tem obdobju se je pojavil splet in sčasoma postal eden pomembnejših komunikacijskih, promocijskih in tržnih kanalov, kar dandanes močno vpliva na umetnostni svet in s tem tudi na trg. Posamezni tržni deležniki primarnega in sekundarnega trga umetnin so se spletu v različni meri prilagodili in ga uporabili. Posledično so se razvila nova orodja za prodajo umetnin in oblikovale nove tržne smernice, zlasti na področju sodobne likovne umetnosti, ki se močno naslanjajo na splošne zapovedi digitalnega trženja. S tem so povezani tako dobrodošli kot nezaželeni učinki na trg umetnosti. Naloga predstavi prisotnost nekaterih slovenskih trgovcev umetnin na svetovnem spletu, njihove značilnosti in njihovo prilagajanje in naklonjenost tem spremembam. V sklopu tega je zaradi lažjega razumevanja okoliščin v nalogo vključen tudi delni oris zgodovine slovenskega zasebnega galerijstva, pri čemer je poudarek na galerijah, ki se preživljajo izključno s prodajo likovnih del in niso vezane na druge vire financiranja. Spletno pojavljanje umetnosti nujno kliče k razmisleku o posledicah hitrega razvoja spleta in izzivih, ki se porajajo ob novih oblikah spletne prodaje umetnin, kot sta na primer demokratizacija in desakralizacija umetnosti.

Keywords:Spletni trg umetnin, digitalno trženje, slovenski umetnostni trg, galerije, spletna umetnostna platforma
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108727 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.07.2019
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Title:Internet and the Art Market – The Emergence of Internet and its Impact on Market Trends Abroad and the Situation in Slovenia
The master's thesis delves into the online contemporary art market. Beginning with a brief historical overview it acquaints the reader with the development of the Western art market and how the roles of individuals in the art business were changing through time. It questions the concept of an artwork as a commodity and presents the process of determining the value of art pieces. At the end of the 20th century, the social and political movements and the information revolution triggered major changes in the art market. At the same time the art world (as well as art market) was greatly impacted by the emergence of internet, which quickly became one of the most important communication, promotion and marketing channels. Individual market players in the primary and secondary art market adapted to it and adopted its use. Consequently, new tools for art sales began developing and led to new market trends, especially in the field of contemporary fine arts, based on general digital marketing rules. This has several, even adverse effects on this market. In the thesis, integration of Slovenian art traders in online markets, their characteristics and their inclination towards changes are discussed. For better understanding of the circumstances of the art market in Slovenia, a brief outline of the history of Slovenian galleries is included, particularly exclusively privately funded galleries. The online presence of art necessarily calls for the consideration about consequences of rapid development of the web and about challenges that these new forms of online art sales present (e.g. democratisation and desacralisation of art).

Keywords:Online art market, digital marketing, Slovenian art market, galleries, online art platform

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