
Proizvodnja farmacevtskih učinkovin v tobaku
ID Modrijan, Tina (Author), ID Štajner, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Proizvodnja farmacevtskih učinkovin v rastlinah je čedalje pogostejša. »Zeleni bioreaktorji« ponujajo kar nekaj prednosti pred obstoječimi proizvodnimi sistemi: sinteza želenih učinkovin je hitrejša, cenejša, bolj prilagodljiva in izločuje tveganje za okužbo z različnimi živalskimi patogeni. Prvi eksperimenti z rastlinskimi tkivnimi kulturami so večinoma temeljili na celicah rastlin tobaka. Posledično je bila Nicotiana tabacum tudi prva rastlina, ki so jo uspešno regenerirali in vitro. Danes tobak predstavlja glavni rastlinski model za proizvodnjo rekombinantnih proteinov. Molekularno kmetovanje je relativno nova tehnologija, ki je prišla v uporabo z namenom proizvodnje cenejših ter lažje dostopnih zdravil v rastlinah. Slednje je posebej pomembno pri še kako potrebnem oskrbovanju razvijajočih se držav z zdravilnimi učinkovinami. Proizvodnja rekombinantnih proteinov v rastlinah lahko poteka s spreminjanjem jedrnega ali plastidnega genoma; mogoča je stabilna ali pa prehodna ekspresija želenega proteina. Prehodna ekspresija omogoča izredno hitro pridobivanje rekombinantnih proteinov, kar je posebej pomembno za pravočasno ukrepanje ob nenadnih izbruhih epidemij. Konstantno izboljševanje in razvoj novih tehnik za transformacijo rastlin je v tobaku omogočilo sintezo številnih pomembnih rekombinantnih proteinov, protiteles ter drugih molekul, ki se uporabljajo v industriji in medicini.

Keywords:tobak, Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana benthamiana, rekombinantni protein, virusom podobni delci, cepiva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Modrijan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108656 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9252985 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2019
MODRIJAN, Tina, 2019, Proizvodnja farmacevtskih učinkovin v tobaku [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. T. Modrijan. [Accessed 6 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Production of pharmaceuticals in tobacco
The production of active pharmaceutical ingredients in plants is slowly progressing. »Green bioreactors« offer several advantages over other existing production systems: the synthesis of desired molecules is faster, cheaper, more adaptive, and eliminates the risk of infection with animal pathogens. The first experiments with plant tissue cultures were mainly based on tobacco cells, therefore Nicotiana tabacum was also the first plant to be successfully regenerated in vitro. Today, tobacco remains the main plant model for the production of many different recombinant proteins. Plant molecular farming is a relatively new technology that has come to use in order to obtain more affordable and more widely available medicine. The latter is especially important when it comes to providing medicine for developing countries. The production of recombinant proteins in plants is carried out by successfully changing the genome of the transformant’s nucleus or plastid; the expression of the desired protein can be stable or transient. Transient expression allows for an extremely fast production of the required protein, which can play a crucial role in the event of a sudden epidemic outbreak. Continuous improvement and constant development of new plant transformation methods have made the production of many important recombinant proteins, antibodies, and other molecules in tobacco possible.

Keywords:tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana benthamiana, recombinant protein, virus-like particles, vaccines

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