
Poučevanje angleščine za gluhe in naglušne v inkluzivnem razredu
ID Verdev, Maruša (Author), ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni cilj magistrske naloge je pridobiti celovit vpogled v učenje jezikov gluhih in naglušnih učencev in poiskati primere dobre prakse, primerne za učence z izgubo sluha in njihove slišeče vrstnike. Magistrska naloga se predvsem osredotoča na pregled literature že izvedenih študij, ugotovitve le-teh pa uporablja za primer, kako poučevati gluhe in naglušne učence v inkluzivnem razredu, kjer je angleščina tuji jezik. Poleg primerov poučevanja in učenja jezika naloga predstavlja tudi primere dobre inkluzivne prakse. Študija primera v obliki intervjuja poda vpogled v učne izkušnje učenca, ki je globoko gluh in je uporabnik polževega vsadka. Glavna ugotovitev magistrske naloge je, da je pri gluhih in naglušnih potrebno poudariti razvoj strategij za organizacijo besedišča in razviti fonološko zavedanje, saj ti področji predstavljata učencem z izgubo sluha največ težav, prav tako pa sta izjemno pomembni za razvoj pismenosti pri slišečih kot tudi gluhih in naglušnih učencih. Poučevanje slovnice naj bo sistematično in izrecno, ter naj vključuje tako induktivne kot deduktivne pristope. Učenci naj bodo deležni obsežnega urjenja vseh štirih spretnosti jezikovnega razvoja.

Keywords:gluhi in naglušni učenci, izguba sluha, inkluzivno izobraževanje, angleščina kot tuji jezik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108590 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:English teaching of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in an Inclusive Classroom
The main aim of the thesis is to get a comprehensive insight into the language learning of deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and to find good practices suitable for teaching English as a second/foreign language to students with hearing loss and their hearing peers. The thesis primarily focuses on literature review of previous studies and applies the findings to teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students in an inclusive classroom, where English is a second/foreign language. The thesis also provides some practical examples for language teaching stemming from the theory. Along with language learning and teaching, the thesis also presents good inclusive practices. The case study in the form of an interview provides an insight into the learning experiences of a severely deaf student, who is a cochlear implant user. The main conclusion reached is that an emphasis should be placed on developing strategies for organising vocabulary items and developing phonological awareness as those are areas that are most difficult for students with hearing loss. These areas are also critical for literacy development in both hearing students and those with hearing loss. Grammar instruction should be systematic and explicit, utilising both inductive and deductive approaches. All four skills should be practiced extensively.

Keywords:deaf and hard-of-hearing students, hearing loss, inclusive education, English as a Second/Foreign Language

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