
Socialna vključenost slepih in slabovidnih
ID Šušteršič, Vesna (Author), ID Peklaj, Cirila (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala socialno vključenost slepih in slabovidnih v Sloveniji. Zanimalo me je, katera področja definirajo socialno vključenost, kateri dejavniki jo omogočajo in kateri ovirajo, kje bi bile potrebne spremembe in kako jih doseči. Uporabila sem kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Izvajala sem polstrukturirane intervjuje s slepimi in slabovidnimi udeleženci, ki imajo ostanek vida manjši od 10 % in so šolanje zaključili pred najmanj dvema letoma. Vsak slep ali slaboviden udeleženec je k sodelovanju povabil še dva udeleženca brez okvare vida, enega, ki mu je zelo blizu in z njim preživi veliko časa, npr. družinskega člana, zelo dobrega prijatelja, in enega, s katerim si nista tako zelo blizu, npr. znanca, sodelavca. Na ta način sem obravnavano tematiko prikazala natančneje, kar je povečalo objektivnost rezultatov. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 24 udeležencev. Njihove odgovore sem analizirala po metodi utemeljene teorije in jih razvrstila v kategorije, ki opredeljujejo socialno vključenost slepih in slabovidnih. Rezultati so pokazali, da se njihova socialna vključenost nanaša na 7 področij, to so občutek pripadnosti in sprejetosti, nadzor nad lastnim življenjem, odnosi, zaposlitev, bivalne okoliščine, vključevanje v širšo skupnost in podporni sistemi. Področja se med sabo tesno prepletajo in vplivajo drugo na drugo. Izkazalo se je, da imajo največji vpliv na posameznikovo socialno vključevanje njegovo sprejemanje svoje okvare vida, njegova sprejetost med drugimi ter lastnosti in vedenja tako slepih in slabovidnih kot drugih ljudi. Največ težav pri vključevanju se pojavlja na področju zaposlovanja in mobilnosti ter v splošni nesprejetosti v družbi. Za dobro socialno vključenost so s svojo odprtostjo in aktivnostjo najbolj zaslužni slepi in slabovidni sami, vloga njihovih bližnjih je predvsem v sprejemanju in podpori, več podpore pri vključevanju pa si udeleženci želijo od različnih organizacij. Magistrska naloga ponuja prvi celosten pregled socialne vključenosti slepih in slabovidnih in odpira mnoge možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:socialna vključenost, slepi, slabovidni
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108543 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Social inclusion of blind and visually impaired
In my thesis I researched the social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired in Slovenia. The purpose of this study was to identify elements that define social inclusion and factors that enhance or inhibit it. I also wanted to find out where the necessary changes should occur and how to achieve them. I used a qualitative research method and conducted semi-structured interviews with the blind and visually impaired participants, who have less than 10 percent of visual acuity and completed their education at least two years ago. Every participant was asked to invite two sighted participants to join the study. One participant had to be someone very close to them, someone they spend a lot of time with (a family member, a very close friend). The other participant had to be someone who is not so close to them (a colleague, a co-worker). Such structure of participants enables us to get a wider perspective on the topic I dealt with and provides greater objectivity of results. 24 adults participated in the survey. I analyzed participants’ responses using the grounded theory and classified them into categories that define social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired. Results showed that the social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired adults consists of 7 elements: the sense of belonging and being accepted, the control of one’s life, relationships, the employment, living accommodations, the involvement in activities and support systems. The elements are strongly connected and interact with each other. According to the results of this study the social inclusion of the blind or visually impaired person is most affected by the person’s own acceptance of the vision loss, by the person’s acceptance among others and by the characteristics and behaviours of the blind or visually impaired person himself and of other people around him. Employment, mobility and general non-acceptance are the greatest challenges of the social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired. For good social inclusion the most deserving are the blind and visually impaired themselves by their openness and activity. The role of their significant others is mainly in accepting and supporting them. The participants’ wish is to receive more support from different organizations that can help them. The study offers the first overall insight of the social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired in Slovenia and opens a lot of possibilities for further research.

Keywords:social inclusion, blind, partially sighted

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