In the era of development and automation, all industrial companies strive for better efficiency and faster production of their products. For making this goal happen, however, a good and adequate software framework and modern electronic devices are needed. One of the factors that are of quintessence is the management of these instruments with program code.
The device driver takes care of booting and all the applications of the basic functionalities. It is a software that, with a well-built software interface, allows users to communicate and manage a distinct device with a computer. Device drivers are mostly used for standard devices such as: monitors, computer mouse, printers, etc., but we can also implement its functionalities on more specific non-standard devices such as laboratory and special test equipment.
The implementation of such project must be meticulously and thoughtfully designed, since any further changes in the main-code can cause error in its operation . It is like a pillar in the building, if it is poorly designed, it is just a matter of time before it collapses. The driver contains all basic functions (in this case a power supply and standard error meter) such as: connection, data transfer to the device itself, data receiving, setting values from the devices buffer and also closing its ports and breaking communication. All other functions stem from this concept and contribute to more specific tasks and allow us to communicate with these devices remotely, quickly and without human intervention, as this is also the point of automation.